Phenomenal Existence

Phenomenal Existence


1. I thank Mary Weckerle for her enlightening post and share her article, supplementing it with the knowledge, gained through personal experience of awakening of Kundalini power by Guru's grace, which is cleansing my perceptions.

Genesis (Scriptural Wisdom)

2. Everything in creation is making of the Universal Soul ???. It is Ether substrate with sub-sonic content of AUM. It envelops entire Universe (animate and inanimate), and is the creator (bestower of birth), sustainer, and withdrawer of each object, uniquely and independently. The Universal Soul is a phenomenon - we call ī?vara or Paramatma; and therefore, everything in existence is phenomenal - making of this core substrate.

2.1 The Universal Soul has credentials at the origin of creation, namely, the umblical of Supreme Lord. It is called unmanifest ignorance, unknowable beyond reach of human perception (Vedas). The umblical is Supreme Indestructible Reality, also called Supreme Self, we call Brahma (Vedas). The symbol is Lotus. It is realized as Jesus in Christianity, and Allah in Islam or simply known as God.

2.2 The sub-atomic potency of Supreme Self or Eternal Nature or (ādhyatma or ādi-?akti in Sanskrit), manifests as monolithic structure that becomes evolutionary source of entire Universe, with no disconnect whatsoever (animate and inanimate). The Supreme Self is at it's crown.

2.3 The Universal Soul is part of this monolithic structure, deriving its attributes from Eternal Nature or ādhyatma. It is also called 'Embodied Self', the first born personality ???. It is healing power of highest order enveloping entire creation.

2.4 The Universal Soul is symbolic - AUM (???) in Vedas, Latin Cross (?) in Christianity, the White Crescent Moon and star in Islam (?), Tao ? in Chinese philosophy; and various other symbols in various Abrahamic and Non-Abrahamic civilizations, world over. They are revellations of various prophets or Realised Souls, the originators of respective scriptures. No scripture differs from others in the core essence of Surrender to inner grace or Soul, to realize Supreme Self.

2.5 The Universal Soul and Supreme Self become matched pair, in each object that manifests from Universal Soul, to become evolving Soul on it's own, uniquely and independently. Each object is mosaic of Universal Soul, placed relatively to each other in time and space, because of presence of Supreme Self. This is also basis of innovative theory of relativity, as revealed by Einstein.

2.6 The creation emanating from Soul ?? includes Mother Earth and it's inhabitants on land, oceans, and sky; Sun God, and Moon.

Constitution of material Universe including Human species

3. The material Universe is made out of five great elements, namely Ether (the core substrate), Air, Fire, Water, and Earth in the order in which they were created in the beginningless time. Nature expresses itself by the core sub-strate ???. But this is gross structure.

3.1 More importantly, Each object has material influences from adjacent 'Embodied Souls'. Together with Supreme Self, each entity becomes Evolving Soul on it's own (animate and inanimate).

3.2 It is ādhyatma or ādi-?akti (the sub-atomic potency), empowered by Brahma that functions as 'Artificial Ego', to become enactor of Karma or routine, every moment. Karma Yoga is part of transcendental activity, to raise from Ego as independent consciousness entity, to evolving Soul or instrument of Universe, to ultimately dissolve into Soul.

3.3 The indweller, Brahma or the Supreme Self, becomes immutable witness. Because of HIS mere presence, the Soul (Mother Angel) evolves, dissolving (or shedding) material nature or Ego. But Supreme Self is deluded as activity by Mother Spirit, a virtual realty.

3.4 In reality, he is not touched. It is transcendental nature of Mother Spirit, that delivers him to his true status of immutable witness or 'Seer of the Seen'; from each object, uniquely and indepndently.

3.5 But this goes by Divine Ordinance, namely Universal Laws of Nature, happens at ripe time. The laws include principles of conservation of energy, and all laws of thermodynamics are applicable. Everything in creation is Divine, as without Soul nothing can express.

Human Species in advanced state of material evolution

4. Of all the objects created in entire Universe, human specie is at highest evolutionary state, bestowed with wisdom to realize Self, with full awareness. Apart from five great elements, the human body is bestowed with five sensory organs (eye, ears, nose, tongue, and skin), and five organs of action (hands. Legs, the voice, genitals and the anus) along with mind), all powered by Soul.

4.1 Like in other objects, it has material influences from other 'Embodied Souls' to become world it's own - Layer 1, and Universe it's own - Layer 2. It is Mother Angel, Powered by Lord, that rules human nature.

4.2 The visible human body sustains on Sapta Dhatus (seven tissues) as mentioned in Ayurveda, a Sanskrit word - meaning 'life science'. They are: Rasa (tissue fluids), Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscle), Meda (mind - connecting six tissues), Asthi (bone tissues), Majja (bone morrow), and Shukra (reproductive system).

4.3 They manifest from five great elements, with Soul integrating them. The Soul forms mind in Sapta dhatus. A dark material layer, in various grades, on Soul represents DNA, the present evolutionary state of man. It is from this material layer, that the outer world projects from Soul, the elastic medium, based on sensory perceptions.


4.4 Everything happens within one's own entity, as within so without. But the individual is deluded, and experiences himself as isolated entity sustaining on his own. But this is making of 'Artificial Ego' (body consciousness), by design of creator. The individual is not aware that he is not the image or vehicle of Consciousness, powered by Soul (see the scheatic below), as he sees himself in the mirror. He is Supreme Self, unknowable. Gender is illusion.

????Soul of human specie (subtle body)

Material Nature

5. Man is born with three fold material nature, namely:-

a. Sattva (resilence and illumination): Man born with this nature is highly noble personality. He radiates positive vibrations. He is close to God's nature. Ego bends to such a personality. He empowers to derive best from everybody. There are many such personalities, spread over Globe. Such personalities head many premier institutions, engaging themselves in creative works, They include, science, arts and trades. Organizations will sink without such people.

b. Rajas (passion and activity): People born with such nature are Sattva predominant, and are highly passionate to engage themselves in developmental activities.. All infrastructure development, made for comfort of humanity is by such people. They provide good services to humanity. They look after themselves, and people working with them. Man has grown from stone age to present stage of sophistication, only because of this faculty.

c. Tamas (lethargy and delusion): People born with this nature are lazy, and look for shortcuts to come up in life. They try to put themselves above every one, and build narratives to shine. Such people often tend to create tense situations. Some of them are highly cruel.

5.1 But this is inborn nature, expression of material nature by Soul. The Soul or Universal Consciousness holds none guilty. Everything in life goes in unconscious domain, by Divine Ordinance. Nothing right or wrong happens. Everything happens as it should, by transcendental will of God. Nature is hard to change. Fortunalely, most of us are Sattva predominent, and hence life goes smooth. Nature balances itself.

5.2 But nature (the visible physical world) is transcendental, and as already indicated, it goes by Universal Laws. Whenever transformation starts, it ultimately culminates into realizing Self, if due. It is only man in higher transcendental states, who can realize Self by faculty called awareness (to be discussed later in the same article).

5.3 All others go through beaten path of material decay, the reserve material energy for life, the destination being same, dissolving into Eternal Soul. While all animate go through, cycle of births, the inanmate go through seasonal changes to ultimately dissolve into Soul. Death is illusion, as everything in creation is incessant journey of immortal Soul, till it ultimately sheds material nature.

Six enemies of Mind

6. There are six enemies of mind (or shadripu - ???????; in Sanskrit), which prevent man from personal evolution. They are expression of Soul, derived from 'Alchemy' of physiological body. They are: Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), lobha (greed), Mada (Ahamkara or Ego - sense of 'I'), Moha (attachment, delusion), and Matsarya (prejudice). They bring doom to the individual at lower transcendental states. They culminate into deluded death, with individual losing his credentials.

6.1 But persons close to realization of Self are marginally tainted by last three traits, namely Mada, Moha, and Matsarya; and these traits become boon for them to evolve from ignorance to Self Realization. This is called 'Malina Sattva' in Vedas, culminating into grounding of Artificial Ego, and opening doors for Self realization through Self knowledge. As long as Ego is on the rise, no knowledge can enter individual. The person becomes mute spectator, to transcendental process, once it commences.

Self Realization

7. Persons, due for Self Realization, are born with reserve material energy, we call Prā?a ?akti, just enough to redeem for life, for transition to Astral Plane or ātma ?akti. ātma ?akti is part Immortal Monolothic Core, no different from Soul ??. We have already learnt that without ātma ?akti or Soul ??, Prā?a ?akti or the material body (Artificial Ego) cannot express. They are complementary pair in Physical body.

7.1 Close to what we call death, Mother Spirit prepares body for disembodiment of Soul, to either come back as new body or dissolve into Eternity. At this time, the person enters into psychological turmoil, with Mother Spirit Spewing Venom, bringinging back setbacks in the past, on account of the enemies of mind, lisyed above. The person gets disgusted and reaches a mental state, threatening his very existence.

7.2 He is unaware that he is indivisible part of unmanifest, and immortal Monolothic core, with him or Immaterial Self (Brahma) at crown. He is also unaware that he is pure recipient of material energy (Artificial Ego), and without him there is no expression to physical body.

7.3 Once, his Ego is grounded, a Preceptor or Guru pops-up in the form of Spiritual Intellect, guiding his destiny. He tells him about his true nature, and his prominent status with in body, as immutable witness; but tainted by material energy which cannot express by itself. He asks the individual, deluded as activity, to invoke dormant power maditate on Self.

7.4 Guru suggests rituals to individual to invoke dormant power come in rendezvous with inner Soul. Yoga is all about this Union. This is called Awareness. By becoming aware, the unknown indweller awakens Mother Spirit, and soon he experiences his isolation from activity (he starts reading his own mind).

7.5 Slowly the awakened Mother expands (TANauti in Sanskrit) plasma, and destroys DNA or material layer, and liberates (TRAyati in Sanskrit) the individual. This happens only if it is due, going by Divine Ordinance. This technique is developed as TANTRA by ancient sages, and includes philosophy and rituals. Yoga, the rituals part is the subset of TANTRA. Sage Patanjali (between 2nd and 4th century CE), the author of Ashtanga Yoga, is prominanant amongst them.

What is Awareness?

8. Every activity in a physical body is action of sympathetic nervous system, powered by Soul. Every action has reaction in the form of parasympathetic nervous system. This creates sense, and awareness of it is called Noumenal Awareness. With regular practice of Yoga, this Awareness accentuates, so much so, that it awakens Mother Spirit. It is Soul as Phenomenan, that creates action and reaction, and Noumenal Awareness of it brings entire activity to Conscious zone.

8.1 This is also called surrender of all activity, emanating from DNA to sacrificial fire of Soul??. During the transcendental process, the individual experiences Yoga, that happens naturally, and the Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga is all about this. The initial practices suggested by Guru, are only to awaken the inner dormant Power, Mother Angel; the Angel of birth, sustenance, and death or withdrawal.

8.2 Sapta Dhatus are consumed during transcendental process, and the Visible Body has no Relevance. The individual takes flight in Astral Plane, beyond life.

What is Yoga?

9. Here is an enlightening message by my Guru, Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar School of Yoga, Yoga Research Foundation, and Rikhiapeet. He is non-living Guru, whom I never met. He is my Guru by way of literature. I am HIS Ekalavya Shishya, the self-imposed disciple.

9.1 Quote by Guru

Yoga is a system of living with sense and science, of the realization of ultimate values and altruistic missions of life. Yoga evolves a harmonious order in mind, matter and man. Yoga is an absolute departure from basic animal tendencies. Yoga is a state of aloofness from the artificialities of life and relationship. Yoga is the culture of tomorrow.


9.2 Guru -Disciple succession is built into human psyche (Vedas). The Guru formation has to be a spontaneous process. No one can force Guru on Ego. It has to bent to HIM. One should be ever grateful to Guru, who comes to disciple by Divine Ordinance.


a. Birth is mysterious. Every object takes birth as Vehicle of Consciousness. It is better to lead life, losing proprietorship, tuning with entire nature, controlling emotions.

b. Unless one touches wholeness within him, the ever unfading Soul or Consciousness, with him #just be the unknowable in loop by intuition, no transformation is possible. He is beyond reach of human perception - senseless and mindless (unmanifest). He is not his image as he sees himself in mirror. Gender is illusion.

c. Without Guru reaching the individual on his own, one cannot learn to surrender to inner illumination, to burn entire activity to sacrificial fire of Soul, the inner illumination ??. It is hard penance to reach sublime purity, where all objectivity dissolves into Soul, and one becomes 'Seer'. Guru-disciple succession is hidden in human psyche.

d. Yoga brings harmony to life. One who enters Systematic Yoga, can never leave it, as he starts reaping benifits. It is better to involve as many as practicable, to engage themselves in Yoga. There is no age limit.

e. Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga is well documented literature, freely available on net. The copyright releases of Bihar School of Yoga are prominent amongst them.

f. There are sublime pure spiritual institutions (with no family legacy), offering Yoga at affordable costs. They know that, service to man is service to God, the indweller of everything in existence.

e. Famous among them are Divine Life Society, Rikhiapeeth, Aurobindo Ashram, Saibaba Sanstan, ISHA foundation, etc. etc. One's own Ego must be allowed to choose, as unless it bends, there will be no benefit.

f. May God bless us all to bestow this wisdom of surrender to his grace (one's own space), and bring peace to one and all.

Om Shanti Om ??????

Author: Vaasudeva Murthy Vadlakonda

Plce: Hyderabaaad

Date: 17 October 2023


1. This article will go through review to remove inadverdent errors, if any. Suggestions in comments section are welcome.

2. This artcle is dedicated to Lotus Feet of my Guru, Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati.

??♀?Céline Cloutier

Be silence. Let stillness move you naturally. NOWhere~NOwhere.

1 年

Teachings....Vasudeva Vadlakonda ????♀? Silence Stillness Space between.



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