PhD Defence: Dr. Mohamed Amer -  DenCity: A methodology for cost-optimal zero-energy lightweight construction

PhD Defence: Dr. Mohamed Amer - DenCity: A methodology for cost-optimal zero-energy lightweight construction

?The Ph.D. can be downloaded for free: Click Here

A delayed congrats to Dr. Mohamed Amer for an outstanding Ph.D. The Ph.D. was defended on Friday 15th November 2019, 14:00, Building 28 (Montefiore Institute) Auditorium R7, Allée de la Découverte 10, 4000 Liège, Belgium. Dr. Amer demonstrated significant skill in using building performance simulation techniques to support decision making. Four key papers were published as part of his Ph.D.:

Dissertation Abstract: Building renovation is urgently required to decrease the energy consumption of the existing building stock and reduce greenhouse gas emissions coming from the building sector. Selecting an appropriate renovation strategy is challenging due to economic, social, and technical constraints. 

Roof stacking is considered to be a sustainable approach towards urban densification and a feasible mean to overcome the challenge of accommodating increasing populations in cities. However, roof stacking is associated with several challenges that differ from those of conventional or “stick” buildings. Unfortunately, until now, roof stacking has not been given a significant importance as a research topic within the scientific communities. Accordingly, this research aims to provide A leadership to support the decision making on roof stacking construction on multiple levels, and to accelerate the transformation towards cost-effective and zero-energy housing in Europe. In order to achieve this aim, this research is characterized by addressing the topic of roof stacking from a universal, yet well-oriented perspective.

First, a methodology has been established to facilitate the decision making on urban densification through roof stacking. The methodology adopts a systematic approach on three consecutive levels: urban, engineering, and social. Several criteria are identified to assess and map the roof stacking potential in terms of location and number of added floors, where Brussels Capital Region has been taken as a case study, on both urban and building scales. A conceptual framework of a multidisciplinary decision making for selecting off-site prefabricated constructional system for roof stacking has been developed. The multidisciplinary approach includes each of the safety, logistics, cost, time, environmental impact, and quality of construction as major criteria in the decision-making process. This section includes a classification for roof stacking construction methods based on an exhaustive investigation of more than 136 roof stacking projects built during the last 20 years.

Afterward, a list of 37 sustainable criteria, on which the decision making on roof stacking takes place, have been identified based on sustainability triple bottom line, i.e. environmental, economic, and social. Those criteria have been identified based on an intensive review of literature, individual interviews, and pilot surveys. A questionnaire has been designed and distributed to architects, as active stakeholders, in addition to researchers from the field of building and construction. Finally, this research ends by developing a methodology that supports the decision making process on cost-optimal zero energy building, by the means of a novel approach, namely Multi-Objective Parametric Analysis (MOPA), rather than optimization algorithms. This methodology is composed of three consecutive steps: modeling setup, parametric simulation, and ends up with evaluation and selection. The aim of dividing the decision-making process through several steps is to provide transparency and repeatability to the developed methodology. This process aligns with the common practices in the design process while providing robust and reliable results. As a result, this thesis provides a multi-scale methodologies for the decision-making process on roof stacking construction

The Ph.D. can be downloaded for free: Click Here

The Ph.D. hardcopy can be purchased: Coming Soon.


Ever thought about how to increase the renovation rate of existing row houses and apartment buildings in city centers? Or, every though how to finance the renovation work?

Dr. Mohamed Amer tried to answer those questions. The Ph.D. entitled 'DenCity: A methodology for cost-optimal zero-energy lightweight construction' is available online in the post. Congratulations to Dr. Mohamed Amer who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at Liege University under the supervision of @Shady Attia. A big and warm thanks to the jury members, @ Peter De Wilde, @Karen Allacker, @Niels Timmeren, @Sigrid Reiter, and @ Jean March Franssen for their time and dedication in reviewing this 4 years exciting project. All the best Mohamed for your future career at Renowatt @Salma Lasri.

Nicolas Galiotto

Bygningsinspektion - Tilstandsvurdering - Energim?rkning - B?redygtighed

4 年

Congrats Mohamed and team - Must have beem pretty tough to answer so important questions. I'm looking forward to seeing replications on a large-scale.

Bart Ingelaere

GCO at Buildwise

4 年

Looks really interesting!

Abdullah Qadry Mohamed

Architect | Design Manager | Hospitality | High Rise Buildings

4 年

Congrats ???????? My dear brother Dr.Mohamed Amer and also congrats for our dear professor Dr.Shady Attia, I proud of you my brother Dr.Mohamed Amer Really I proud of you Dr.Shady Attia and for every achievements you done, till now I till everyone about your little story for your Great Success and how you spending your time for help Students & all Humanity

insaf Ben othmane Hamrouni ????

Architect, urban planner, lecturer, researcher, Community Art curator, Integrated planning strategist, participation Guru, advocate , community development, Theory of écumene, Resilience and sustainability strategist

4 年


Sabine Pauquay

Circularity Lead

4 年

Congratulations Mohamed Amer - a very relevant theme indeed for the renovation of urban areas!


Shady Attia 阿蒂亚的更多文章

