Phase Stability Test over Temperature
Phase stability vs. temperature is a measure of the signal speed variation when the cable is exposed to different temperatures. The temperature variation will induce the change of the dielectric constant εr, mechanical length, material character which will cause its phase variation. This variation can be unidirectional or multidirectional. The phase variation is characterized by the temperature coefficient of phase ηt, and the maximum variation of temperature coefficient of phase Δ|η|max
Test Equipment
A vector network analyzer (VNA), a temperature chamber.
Test Sample
The test cable shall be 3 m long and terminated with suitable connectors at each end.
Test Procedure
1.Test sample shall be put into a temperature chamber in loose coils with the diameter not less than 10 times the cable’s minimum static bending radius. Adjust temperature of the chamber for 6 cycles and maintain at least 30 min at each limit temperature (85℃ and -55℃).
2.Set the temperature chamber to 85℃ and maintain 10 min at least when it reaches the temperature. Connect Test sample with the VNA, test Φ25℃ and φ25℃.
3.Adjust the temperature of the chamber from the lowest temperature -55℃ to each higher temperature until to the maximum temperature 85℃, and record φt .
4.Use each ηt and temperature t draw the curve of phase variation with temperature at specified frequency f.
RF ONE?provides a wide series of temperature phase stable cables in various frequency ranges, attenuations, cable sizes, phase stability specs etc.
PL180-Operating Frequency DC-110GHz, Temperature Phase Stability <1500ppm
PL220-Operating Frequency DC-67GHz, Temperature Phase Stability <700ppm
PL360-Operating Frequency DC-40GHz, Temperature Phase Stability <680ppm
PL520-Operating Frequency DC-26.5GHz, Temperature Phase Stability <550ppm
PL800-Operating Frequency DC-18GHz, Temperature Phase Stability <500ppm
Among these thermal phase stable cables, our newly released?TP220?features extinguished temperature phase stability under the room temperature. Built from PFA dielectric, TP220 cables offer outstanding 300 PPM (-40 to 60 °C) phase stability.?
PTFE, despite its excellent properties at high frequencies, shows a steep shift in phase in the temperature range of 15°C to 25°C. This phenomenon also known as PTFE knee could cause several problems such as detecting inefficiency, test measurement error etc. TP series cables are developed to solve this challenge.
Temperature phase stable cable assemblies from RF ONE are typically in 1-2 week lead time, available in phase matching as well.
For any sales or technical inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or our global distributors and sales representatives.