Phase 3 Consultation - Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act.
Peter Brammall
Tenement Management Training and Strategic Support at LandTrack Systems
I strongly suggest that you participate in the phase three consultation process for the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act. See following web site.
For example, the following is an extract from the ACH Draft Activity Categories Table Phase 3. Being suggestions of those Tier 1 actions for which a Due Diligence is required by the Local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services (LACHS), which has the potential of overloading their services.
If under resourced, this alone will grind exploration industry to a halt . Not to mention the remainder of the requirements of the ACH Act.
2.1 Activities specifically impacting inland and coastal waterways and waterbodies (including claypans and salt lakes) with no, or a minimal, level of ground disturbance
? Monitoring and sampling in the water column, immediately below the water column or of water directly using handheld equipment or that utilises existing footings
? Maintenance of existing waterway and waterbody structures including pipes and drainage
? Maintenance of waterways and waterbodies (including coastlines) to rectify artificial impacts
to natural material accretion and erosion ? Water abstraction with no ground disturbance
? Replanting vegetation using handheld equipment
? Wreck and litter removal with no additional ground disturbance to the banks of the waterway or waterbody
? Discharge of comparable quality water into existing waterways and waterbodies
? Placement of pipeline or cable on the surface without anchoring into the seabed
? Removal of sea flora that does not require sea bed disturbance
?3.1 Infrastructure and land development activities with no, or minimal, level of ground disturbance
? Installation of structures inclusive of signs, solar panels, bollards, kerbing or barriers by hand or with handheld augers to previously disturbed depth
? Laying temporary structures and devices on existing formations and / or disturbed land
4.1Agriculture and natural resource management activities with no, or a minimal. Level of ground disturbance
? Feral and pest fauna and weed control using handheld equipment, including use of chemicals
? Destocking
? Installation of temporary fences
? Vegetation control via mechanical slashing, mulching or spraying
? Pre-mop-up around trees with hand held equipment
? Reconnaissance and patrol in light vehicles, but not to the extent that repetitive access and use creates a permanent track
5.1 Field mapping, monitoring, investigations and surveys with no, or a minimal, level of ground disturbance
Survey, mapping, monitoring, measurement and investigations using handheld mechanical equipment or that utilises existing footings
? Monitoring and sampling completed with aircraft (including drones)
? Drilling and test pitting up to 50 centimetres in depth on and using existing roads or track
? Marking out in accordance with the Mining Act 1978 and the Mining Regulations 1981
? Low intensity exploration activities and geophysical surveying including: o geological mapping
o gravity surveys o fossicking o sampling and coring using handheld equipment o magnetic geophysical survey
o radiometric geophysical survey o electromagnetic (EM) surveys
o passive seismic surveys o gyroscopic o ground based electrical surveys
o portable parts per billion (ppb) analysis
o electrical resistivity surveys
o ground penetrating radar
o induced polarization (IP) surveys
o Sub bottom profiling
o Sled Kart Instrument for Magnetic Prospectively Imaging (SKIMPI) Surveys
? Stockpile sampling where samples are collected from above the natural ground level within previously disturbed footprint
? Soil and drainage sampling using handheld equipment only
7.1 Mining activities with no, or minimal, level of ground disturbance
? Mineral exploration using handheld equipment
? Metal detecting
? Scrape and detect activities using handheld equipment
? Extraction of basic raw materials from existing pits
? Backfilling mine voids using previously excavated material sourced from the area
? Stockpiling on existing disturbance
8.1 Rehabilitation and remediation with no, or minimal, level of ground disturbance
? Preliminary contaminated site investigation, using handheld equipment
? Removal of surface asbestos containing materials (ACM)
? Removal of surface waste and litter without excavation
? Revegetation in disturbed areas, including fencing vegetation, using handheld equipment
? Removal of redundant plant and equipment within existing disturbance area
? Removal of stockpiles including consumption of topsoil stockpiles
? Rehabilitation of drill holes including casing, sealing and capping
? Re-establishing vegetation areas (within existing footprint)
? Planting new vegetation by handheld equipment
9.1 Other activities with no, or minimal, level of ground disturbance
? Driving vehicles, not on existing roads or tracks, in a manner that does not result in new tracks
? Drone usage
? No or minimal level of ground disturbance with handheld equipment
? Removal of material up to and including 4 kilograms
? Ground excavation with a surface area smaller than 0.04 metres square
? Ground excavation with a depth up to and including 0.5 metres