Pharyngeal pseudo-traumatic diverticulum. (undiagnosed disaster)
Ahmed Salem
MBBS, MS ENT, MD Phoniatrics, Assistant professor of oto-rhino-laryngology at Ain Shams University Phoniatric (speech language)medical consultant
Shout out !!!!!
Dear colleagues, recently i am meeting alot of neonates with traumatic pseudo-pharyngeal diverticulum TPPD , these small vulnerable creatures are rarely diagnosed.....WHY?!!!
because these neonates usually have absolute dysphagia (due to spasm of teared pharyngeal muscles causing more difficulty in insetion of NGT) and resulting in pneumonia (so the 1st presentation of these neonates in dysphagia and pneumonia) and poor chest condition
2nd reason is the fear of medico-legal questioning (sadly most of these cases are not reported ).
so this is a loud shout out , please take care of these signs and symptoms
1- Resistance in NGT insertion in neonate.
2- Absolute dysphagia in neonate
3- NGT abnormal position in X-ray