A Pharmaceutical Industry vision beyond COVID-19
2020 created unprecedented challenges for the Healthcare Industry, as many companies were affected in so many ways, disrupting many, and putting off others. In short, our reliance on the technology needed to increase exponentially.
Companies considered the deployment of Digital Health to enhance efficiency whilst minimising risk. Still, this process will demand extra effort when re-considering current management skills towards integrating people and technology into a complete future digital transformation.
Facts about the digitalisation of the Health Industry
· The digital-change timing has no other alternative but accelerating over a matter of months.
· The usage of Digital Health became widespread among physicians during the pandemic.
· Many patients do not consider safe assisting in-person to appointments.
· Virtual medicine is decisively diminishing the spread of the virus and the stress at emergency rooms.
· Companies strengthened their efforts to offering patients and physicians data via digital communications, remote monitoring of clinical data, and video consultations.
· Digital Analytics and Artificial Intelligence are decisive components to survive future-public-health crises.
· Firms can foresee possible Supply Chain disruptions on demands and prevent potential drug shortages rapidly.
· The deployment of Big Data in Health Care can grant organisations total vision of physician, patient, and consumer issues, whilst supporting personalised treatments.
· Leaders are anticipating that remote-work will go on far beyond the settlement of the pandemic.
Digitisation supporting sales and marketing
The strategy changes to a more patient-centric one. Drug SCs envision the pandemic as a chance to improve long-term marketing by building up an integrating experience to engage patients and physicians, with the right content, and personalised tactics to link clients.
Several pharmaceutical companies tried the use of free-messaging apps during the crisis to share data among users. These tools proved to be an excellent channel since they facilitate interactions among Healthcare professionals and patients while maintaining the personal business. However, ponder security and data protection policies.
Proven benefits of Health digitalisation
· Some pharma companies use electronic tools and remote medical alternatives in homes to evaluate and supervise sick individuals.
· It benefits patients for tests, treatments or supplying medication at patients' homes.
· Remote-clinical tests allow patients and doctors to join in without exposure or mobility limitations.
· Now, hospitals provide nursing care at the patient's home for specific treatments, perform needed physical examinations, and supply prescriptions, maintaining the quality care as nurses give at hospitals.
· The pharmaceutical firm could be in direct contact with patients.
· Staff supervising and reviewing such data can foresee health issues to set the right preventive actions in place.
· Organisations can overcome the pandemic by rapidly distributing medications to patients, making uncomplicated-short deliveries; SCs take few risks; thus, diminishing cost and time.
· To drive long-term competitiveness and sustainability, organisations will need to develop the total patient's security by effectively providing home services.
· Regarding price reimbursement, companies must prove the cost-benefit value of this service to the client, considering established principles such as proficiency, safety, and flexibility.
Human Resources (HR) department must support Digitisation.
Every firm's HR division must take a crucial part in reinforcing business endurance through COVID-19; as remote working becomes a potential-new-normal, design a mindset-driven approach to help personnel even out their work and life in unique circumstances. Without delay, organisations are preparing workshops to re-educate staff on the best practices to acquire new skills and manage stress.
Firms carry online team-building dynamics and webinars to keep employees engaged (participation in webinars increased, as productivity and efficiency did too); many employees are working during the time formerly employed for commuting. Corporations no longer control the personnel's timetables, currently focusing mainly on the resulting outcomes; now, employees have more freedom to manage and balance their personal-family-working responsibilities, positively contributing to their projected efficiency goals.
This approach facilitates effective communication among employers and employees, while the last feel more valued and supported. It is also crucial for HR to re-assess employment policies and benefits and, above all, working practices. HR must be aware of the latest local employment laws and adjust accordingly to build new-work conditions.
The support from the authorities is vital.
Authorities are supporting industries more than ever; firms can contact experts who can advise on solving particular emergency issues, diminish constraints within their SCs, security and regulatory issues, and establish new-working approaches to edge-technologies. Pharmaceutical firms wonder how this teamwork will stay beyond COVID-19, as they consider managing the pandemic enhances such a relationship.
The use of an authorised-electronic signature is possible when following the transaction nature plus the patient or physician's approval. Consider increasing control of workflows by constant revision of agreements of electronic documents to avoid risks.
The confidentiality and quality of personal info driven by electronic medical services raise some ethical issues. Yet, these tools, the most used in the pandemic, boost the efficiency of health processes, relating patients' chronic conditions, the classification of patients or physicians' specialities, and more.
Further comments: before the pandemic, the digital transformation was for Pharmaceutical industry a long-term goal; currently, organisations are accelerating the whole process! It enhances communication among physicians and their patients. The combination of Data Analytics and Digital Health can accomplish universal-health coverage at a low-cost- level, counteracting any potential viruses, whilst saving numerous lives.
Are you boosting a Digital Health transformation in your industry?
Dave Food