National Council on International Trade DevelopmentµÄ·âÃæͼƬ
National Council on International Trade Development

National Council on International Trade Development


Washington��District of Columbia 507 λ��ע��

NCITD is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing direct expertise on a wide range of international trade topics.


The National Council on International Trade Development, founded in 1967, is a nonprofit membership organization supported by American industry. We are dedicated to providing direct expertise on a wide range of international trade topics. The Council focuses on export and import regulations, as well as new or emerging issues. NCITD works to identify problem areas and impediments to the global trade process, develop global solutions and promote regulatory reform. NCITD members are a diverse group of large, mid-sized and small firms. Membership includes exporters and importers, freight forwarders and brokers, carriers, banks, attorneys, trade groups, and consulting firms. The NCITD assists its members in adapting to the ongoing changes in international trade through a support network of professionals offering assistance and advice on specific problems. Monthly meetings with U.S. Government officials provide up-to-date information and a forum for discussion of best practices. We invite you to join us in a one-on-one dialogues with government officials responsible for designing and implementing the rules and regulations for international trade. Go to our website to download our brochure with more information about NCITD leadership and activities.

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Washington��District of Columbia


National Council on International Trade DevelopmentԱ��


