PGNZ book page: Better people make better Premieronians and better Kiwis!

People from inside and outside PGNZ often ask me: Why do you and the leadership team put so much effort, energy, passion and time into the personal development and health and fitness of our/your team?


There are many great reasons why we do, so it is time to add this chapter to our book!


Lets start with health and fitness.


We have a great section in this book already about lean health and other powerful tips and advice to help you live your best life but this chapter explains why.


Why do we care so much about this all important topic?


Why should you prioritise your health and fitness every single day of your life?


Here are some of the top reasons:


  1. It makes you happier. Every time we workout we feel so much better. It improves our mood.
  2. It gives you a much higher quality of life. And your quality of life keeps improving.
  3. It helps you to achieve your most important life goals faster and with less struggle.
  4. It makes you feel positive. It improves your outlook on life.
  5. It gives you more confidence to overcome your challenges.
  6. It gives you a sense of victory which then leads on to more success each day.
  7. It makes you a better person to work with and live with.
  8. It is the kind and unselfish thing to do for your family, friends and team mates.
  9. It helps you to perform at your peak every day.
  10. It gives you confidence that you can fulfil your full potential in life.
  11. It improves your self-esteem and confidence.
  12. It puts you in the drivers seat. It gives you much more control of your day and your future.
  13. It gives you so much more energy.
  14. It improves the quality of your sleep which has so many flow on benefits.
  15. It majorly reduces your risk of illness, from the common cold right up to debilitating conditions like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, obesity etc.
  16. And so much more…


And how about personal development? Why do we care about this so much? Why do we devote so much time, money and effort to this?


Well, a lot of the reasons above apply to this as well but as we often remind our team, our #1 goal in the leadership team is to help each team member to achieve their most important life goals as quickly as possible.


And the only way to do this is to accelerate the personal development and education of each and every employee through programs like:


  1. GPP (our online Growing People Program) This includes training on topics such as: Mindset, Marketing, Time management, Sales, lean, finance, health and fitness etc.
  2. The weekly Lean Championship
  3. The weekly Gold calling championship.
  4. The weekly Health and fitness championship (coming soon)
  5. External training courses.
  6. The morning meetings.
  7. The weekly meetings
  8. The financial literacy training.
  9. The stake in the outcome bonus program
  10. On the job coaching and training.
  11. The audio book programs.
  12. The inter department/ cross training program.
  13. Habitshare training
  14. And lots more


So everyday we are growing people! We are growing people from average to good, then good to great, then from great to greater! Every single day! We pursue this ideal relentlessly so that every person is making progress and striving for excellence every day.


To sum it all up: Better, healthier, constantly improving people make better husbands, wives, dads, mums, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, friends and team mates!


Better people make better Kiwis!


Better people have an ever growing positive impact on our communities and our country as a whole.


And who on this earth doesn’t want to be that person?!


At Premier Group NZ we will continue to improve our personal development and health and fitness programs relentlessly.


One of our BHAGs has always been to build the healthiest and fittest business team in NZ! We will never give up on this audacious goal.


Why? Because we care. We care deeply about the health and well being and growth of our people.


Our mission, vision and values are all aligned with this goal and the more we live and breathe them the better our quality of life will be.



For more helpful resources to help you transform your business and life go to


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