PFI Monthly - September edition
Prague Finance Institute
Organisation dedicated to advancing knowledge and expertise in the fields of finance, economics, consulting, and beyond.
Dear professionals,
welcome to the new edition of our PFI newsletter! In the September issue, we have prepared for you:
New edition of PFI Monthly Research report!
We are delighted to bring you the new edition of PFI Monthly - September edition full of engaging content from our analysts Michal Stupavsky, CFA, Tomá? Pfeiler, CFA, Ondrej Konak, Martin Bosák, Peter ?ulan, Diana Hricisakova, Michal Mesík, PMP, Adrián Pále?, Lukas Stieber, Andre Chelhot, CFA, Radek Jirk?, Martin Skákala and Luká? Baloga.
In this edition, apart from valuable articles, you'll find an interview with Lukas Brych , Senior M&A Manager, KAPRAIN .
Click here to open the newsletter:
Regime Shift: The US Perspective
We cordially invite you to the lecture:
Regime shift: The US perspective
The subject to be debated is the ongoing regime shift in global macro economics.
Speaker: Andre Chelhot, CFA, the incoming PFI Chief Economist
When: Wednesday, 16 October 2024 at 6:30 PM
Where: CERGE-EI, The Schebek Palace, Politickych vězň? 936/7, Prague 1
To participate in the event it is necessary to fill in the following registration form:
We would also like to warmly thank partners of the Prague Finance Institute: CERGE-EI, Deník e15, KPMG Czech Republic, Conseq Investment Management, a.s., Oriens, PPF Group, TARPAN Partners, BHM group, RSJ Investments, ARETE and X Production s.r.o. Without them our activities would not be possible.
Best wishes,
Prague Finance Institute