PFAS “The Forever Chemical”
Matthew Eggins
Sales Management | Researcher | Operational Management | Sustainability | Procurement
The everyday chemical, PFAS is classed as a forever chemical and with this name PFAS can move, spread and cause damages in the environment for thousands of years. They can come off during use, transferring from packaging into the food we eat, or as the rain washes bike oil from our chain. PFAS-based waxes used on skis and snowboards leave a trail of forever chemicals in the environment. PFAS can be released into the environment at every stage of a product's lifecycle and even into the human body.
This forever chemical is in our blood. More than 99% of Americans have been found to have PFOS and PFOA (two well known, harmful forms of PFAS) in their blood, and the numbers are thought to be similar for the rest of the world. We are exposed to PFAS every day, from many different sources, everything from drinking water and fast food packaging that companies use, we can limit our exposure from the products we buy and asking those companies to support a safer packaging material.
International companies and countries are now planning to phase out the use of PFAS chemicals in products over the coming years. This change has come at the consurers request as they are getting more and more information about the health effects that this Forever Chemical can cause to the human body over time. Reports and research shows how this everyday chemical has proven links to specific conditions, which include: high cholesterol, thyroid disease, testicular cancer, kidney cancer and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
The Circular Economy is now and it is our right to phase out this harmful Forever Chemicals that companies have been using for years in their products, we must focus on more sustainable options and with this comes a price. For years we have known that the cheapest is not always the best, and now we know that it is also not the safest. So next time you're shopping or buy your fast food, ask the question “is this packaging PFAS-Free”.