- a real project with real people and real jobs
Asociatia Oportunitati si Cariere
Construim un motor de cautare pentru locuri de munca
when you're in learning process you read a lot about potential problems you need to solve
when you have some new joiners in your company you cannot show to new joiners real plan of a real project because of the NDA signed is a real project with real tasks with real people
you can learn coding on this project. you can see real tasks. you can create real bugs. you have real meetings is an open source project. this means you can contribute.
you can contribute on real project and you can learn new technology along the way
you can contribute on real project and you can meet our volunteers
get prepared to connect with people driven by PASSION
not like in commercial projects, here people don't want to go home quickly. they don't keep an eye on clock when a meeting take place. we are hardly closing meetings often exceeding 1hour previously set-up because everyone enjoy being here, adding own contribution to the project. everyone is proud working on such amazing product
we are a team with real people
we are a team of teams
we communicate using free platforms: DISCORD and JITSI
links are just one click away from footer of website:
who are those volunteers?
all our volunteers are in the process of proffessional reconversion and those who continously contribute are purely driven by passion. they are unstoppable. most of our volunteers had nothing to do with IT industry but they quickly understood how to deal with GitHUB, repositories, automation in GitHUB Actions, web scrapers, manual testing, automation testing, Data Quality, in-house developped Validator and our technology stack: Apache SOLR, python, JAVA, JavaScript, Apache JMeter, POSTMAN, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Android, iOS, OS-X and many others.
how did they joined?
simple, by hitting this Discord icon from footer.
how can you contribute?
Adriana Cionca is the person you need to impress. she is the point of contact for all new joiners. she knows everything about everybody, therefor if you want to join a team and contribute in a very specific domain, she will guide you through entire process.
you saw our project. you saw awesomeness it brings. if you think you can add more awesomeness to our project feel free to join! we'll have your feature implemented and from that moment on you can tell all your friends how great you are. more than this: people will understand your superpower and they will invite you to join their teams. you don't have to worry you won't find a job fit for you -- we are working on aggregating all the jobs in one single place -- the exact place where you are adding your contribution, so focus on make things practical for your own need.
we want to thank you Adriana Cionca for all your hard work: as software tester, as team lead, as new joiner point of contact, as teacher, as mentor, as buddy, as team player, as contributor, as data quality engineer and also as people manager.