Pets have the potential to be a strong source of emotional support for children, helping them to cope with various mental & physiological challenges.
Voice of Global South The World Is One Family
?????: Education nourishes minds, health sustains lives and harmony weaves the tapestry of a flourishing Nation. We are free citizen of free Bharat, committed to contributing towards a prosperous and better Bharat.
The delicate balance of nature relies on every living being, no matter how big or small, to fulfill a unique and crucial role.
The beating of a heart carries profound symbolism of vitality. It serves as a reminder that every living creature, irrespective of its size or stature, holds a distinct and crucial place in the universe. Whether a tiny insect or a formidable predator, we are all united by the pulse of life.
Regrettably, in our contemporary society, we tend to overlook this unity. We become engrossed in our individual lives and troubles, neglecting our interconnectedness. We overlook how our deeds impact the environment and those within it. We fail to acknowledge our obligation to tend to the planet and all of its dwellers.
It is crucial to cherish the heartbeat that resonates in every living being. Acknowledging that we are part of a greater entity and have a responsibility to nurture each other and the shared planet is imperative. Whether we're a minuscule insect or a towering tree, each of us holds a place in this world and contributes to the magnificent fabric of life.
Living in concord with each other and with nature entails treating one another and the planet with utmost reverence and consideration. It necessitates acknowledging our interconnectedness and recognizing that the well-being of each component of the system affects the health of the entire system. Making choices that benefit not just us but also the world around us is an integral part of living harmoniously.
As we strive to live in harmony with one another and with nature, let us remember the heartbeat that beats in all living beings. Let us honor this pulse of existence by living our lives in a way that supports the health and wellbeing of the planet and all its inhabitants. Let us work together to create a better world, where every living being is valued and respected, and where the heartbeat of life can continue to thrive.
With the much advancement in the globalized technology, it is very crucial and extremely important that we all as one global family must acknowledge the immense value of every individual life, for each has its own heartbeat and purpose. We must appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty and diversity of life around us and take ownership in preserving and protecting it for the benefit of future generations.
During the G20 India forum, our nation emphasized the value of unity in diversity. Our culture has instilled in us the belief that every living being holds immense importance and plays a vital role in our ecosystem. As such, it is crucial to treat all beings with respect and compassion, regardless of their race, gender, or species. We are all members of the same global family, sharing a single earth. It is imperative to create societies that are both compassionate and harmonious, allowing all beings to flourish, so that we may collectively achieve global wisdom for a better future.
As our societies becomes increasingly modernized and technology-driven, the importance of emotional human touch is gradually declining. This trend is particularly worrying for future generations as their emotional and mental wellbeing is at stake. With the rise of virtual interactions and digital entertainment, children are losing opportunities to engage with the natural world and form strong, lasting bonds with others.
For example, a study published in the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology suggests that individuals from Western cultures, including the United States, Canada, and Western Europe, tend to display lower levels of emotional expressiveness. The gradual erosion of emotional human connection is a global challenge that our nation in the global south are presently facing. This can eventually disrupt global peace and harmony. As a part of the global south nations, we send an invitation to come together as one family to overcome the challenges and issues that await us.
When people do not express emotions, share their feelings, or connect with others on an emotional level, it can lead to a sense of isolation and loneliness. These feelings can eventually manifest as serious mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
Furthermore, emotional disconnection can lead to a breakdown of interpersonal relationships and social cohesion, which is crucial for the healthy functioning of communities and societies. In turn, this may lead to a lack of empathy, understanding, and support for others, which can exacerbate issues such as inequality, discrimination, and social unrest.
It is also essential to recognize that emotional disconnection can have a profound impact on the environment and the future generations. Without a sense of emotional connection to the natural world, people may be less motivated to protect and preserve the environment, which is vital for the survival of our planet and the well-being of future generations.
The increasing use of technology and social media may contribute to a sense of disconnection and a reduced need for face-to-face communication and emotional expression. The focus on productivity and efficiency in some Western cultures may also prioritize task-oriented behaviors over emotional expression and interpersonal connection.
Pets are a potent tool that can help restore the balance between technology and human connection. Studies show that pets offer comfort and companionship to individuals struggling with mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Spending time with pets such as dogs and cats can reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and increase happiness and overall wellbeing.
In addition to benefiting adults, pets can also be particularly advantageous for children. With the increasing amount of time spent indoors and on screens, children may miss out on essential social and emotional development opportunities. However, pets offer a valuable way for children to connect with others and develop important social skills like empathy and communication. Moreover, pets can provide emotional support to children during challenging life events such as moving to a new home or losing a loved one.
Despite the many benefits of pet ownership, there are also challenges that need to be addressed, particularly in parts of the world where access to veterinary care is limited. To promote sustainable solutions, we need to invest in research and innovation in the veterinary field. This includes creating new and innovative treatments for pets and developing more efficient and cost-effective methods for delivering veterinary care to underserved communities. Promoting responsible pet ownership, including proper nutrition, exercise, and medical care, is also crucial.
Losing a pet can have a significant and direct effect on an individual's mental health and emotional state.
According to a study conducted by researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi, the loss of a pet can trigger feelings of grief, sadness, and depression, as well as increased anxiety and stress. The study revealed that such emotions can have a significant and long-lasting impact on an individual's emotional state and overall wellbeing.
The study also found that people who had lost a pet often reported a sense of emptiness and loneliness that persisted for a prolonged period of time. This can be particularly very challenging for those who live alone or lack a strong support system.
The research and study emphasizes the deep emotional impact of pet loss on individuals and highlights the need for support and resources to help them cope with the grieving process. This may include seeking professional counseling or joining support groups for those who have experienced pet loss. By providing such resources, we can help pet owners manage their emotional wellbeing and facilitate the healing process.
Another study by researchers at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute in Izatnagar found that pet owners who had lost a pet experienced a decrease in overall life satisfaction and social support. The study also found that individuals who had lost a pet reported feeling a sense of guilt and regret, and struggled with accepting the loss and moving forward.
The study found that individuals who had lost a pet reported a decrease in their overall life satisfaction and social support. Losing a pet can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, and the participants reported struggling with finding support from others during this challenging time.
The study also found that individuals who had lost a pet reported feeling a sense of guilt and regret, which can make it difficult for them to accept the loss and move forward. The researchers noted that this can be particularly challenging for pet owners who have had a strong emotional attachment to their pets, as the loss can be felt as deeply as losing a human family member.
These findings suggest that pet loss can have significant and long-lasting effects on an individual's emotional state and overall wellbeing.
Another study and precise observation at the hub of Elinor Organics , we found that pet owners who had lost a pet experienced a decrease in overall life satisfaction and social support and a strong feeling of loneliness. We also observed that the loss of a pet leave a feeling of guilt and regret, and struggled with accepting the loss and moving forward.
A study conducted by the American Heart Association found that pet ownership was associated with a reduction in the risk of heart disease and lower levels of stress:
The American Heart Association (AHA) released a scientific statement in 2013 discussing the link between pet ownership and cardiovascular health. Through a thorough review of multiple studies and observations, the AHA found that pet ownership, particularly dog ownership, can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and lower stress levels.
One reason for this correlation is that owning a pet, especially a dog, can increase physical activity levels. Playing with and walking pets encourages owners to be more active, which in turn can improve cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart disease.
Additionally, owning a pet has been found to lower stress levels by reducing cortisol and increasing oxytocin levels. This can result in better mental health and a reduction in stress.
Moreover, the AHA statement highlights that pet ownership can bring additional benefits to specific groups such as individuals who have experienced a heart attack or stroke, as well as those with high blood pressure or diabetes.
While pet ownership should not be a substitute for professional medical care, the AHA study provides compelling evidence for the positive effects of pet ownership on cardiovascular health and stress levels. It can offer an extra source of emotional support and physical activity, contributing to overall well-being.
A study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management found that employees who brought their dogs to work reported lower levels of stress throughout the day:
The 2012 study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management is a valuable resource for exploring the potential effects of pet dogs in the workplace on employee stress levels. Conducted by researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University, the study involved 76 employees who brought their dogs to work for a week.
By completing surveys throughout the day, study participants were able to assess their stress levels. The results showed that employees who brought their dogs to work experienced lower levels of stress compared to those who did not. Specifically, the study found that employees who brought their dogs to work had lower levels of perceived stress and lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol throughout the day.
The study authors suggest that having dogs in the workplace may have a calming effect on employees, which could help reduce stress levels. Additionally, the presence of dogs in the workplace may encourage social interaction and communication among employees, which can also have a positive impact on stress levels.
While the study provides promising evidence for the potential benefits of allowing pets in the workplace, it's important to consider the needs and preferences of all employees. This includes individuals who may have allergies or phobias related to pets, as not all workplaces may be suitable for pets. Therefore, it's crucial to approach this topic with diplomacy and careful consideration for all employees' well-being.
A study published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research found that dog ownership was associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety:
In 2018, the Journal of Psychiatric Research published a study by researchers from the University of Missouri that analyzed the connection between dog ownership and symptoms of depression and anxiety in a group of 643 American adults. Participants' levels of depression and anxiety were measured using a standardized questionnaire, along with their level of attachment to their dogs.
The study discovered that owning a dog was linked to decreased levels of depression and anxiety in the sample population. Specifically, dog owners reported lower levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety compared to non-dog owners. Furthermore, individuals who reported stronger attachments to their dogs had lower levels of depression and anxiety than those who reported weaker attachments.
The authors of the study propose that the positive association between dog ownership and mental health may be attributed to various factors, such as the companionship and social support dogs can offer, as well as the physical activity and routine that come with taking care of a dog.
It's crucial to note, however, that the study is correlational and does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship. Moreover, the study only examined a specific population of adults in the United States, and the findings may not be generalizable to other cultures or populations.
The study adds to the growing body of research indicating that owning a dog may have beneficial effects on mental health.
A study conducted by the University of Liverpool found that dog owners reported higher levels of physical activity and better overall health than non-dog owners:
The study conducted by the University of Liverpool in 2019 investigated the relationship between dog ownership, physical activity, and overall health in a sample of 385 adults in the United Kingdom. The study involved the use of a survey to assess participants' levels of physical activity, as well as their perceptions of their overall health and well-being.
The study found that dog owners reported higher levels of physical activity compared to non-dog owners. Specifically, dog owners reported walking for an average of 22 minutes longer per day than non-dog owners. In addition, the study found that dog owners perceived themselves to be in better overall health compared to non-dog owners.
The study authors suggest that the higher levels of physical activity among dog owners may be due to the fact that dogs require regular exercise, such as daily walks, which can encourage owners to be more active themselves. In addition, the companionship and social support provided by dogs may also have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.
A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that pet owners had higher levels of self-esteem and were more socially outgoing than non-pet owners:
In 2011, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology published a study that investigated the connection between pet ownership and self-esteem, as well as social behavior, in a group of 217 American college students. A questionnaire was used to assess participants' levels of self-esteem and social behavior.
The study discovered that pet owners had higher levels of self-esteem than non-pet owners. Specifically, dog owners reported higher levels of self-esteem than non-dog owners, but there were no significant differences in self-esteem between cat owners and non-cat owners. Moreover, pet owners were more socially outgoing than non-pet owners, reporting higher levels of social support and greater numbers of social interactions.
The authors of the study suggest that the positive association between pet ownership, self-esteem, and social behavior may be attributed to various factors, such as the companionship and social support that pets can offer, as well as the opportunities for social interaction that come with pet ownership.
The lack of innovation, research, and development of medicines and supplements in the veterinary field is a significant challenge in pet care that can lead to mental distress for pet owners when their pets succumb to limited resources. Therefore, finding ways to address this issue is crucial. Increasing investment in veterinary research and development and collaborating among academic institutions to create affordable and accessible nature-based medicines and supplements could pave the way for a sustainable circular economy through Green Pharma.
A comprehensive approach is necessary to tackle the lack of innovation, research, and development in the veterinary field. This approach should include investing in education and training for veterinarians, enhancing access to equipment and infrastructure, and establishing guidelines for veterinary care. Additionally, nature-based veterinary medicines can have a positive impact on the well-being of both children and their pets. As digital entertainment and virtual interactions become increasingly prevalent, children are losing opportunities to connect with the natural world and form meaningful bonds with others. Pets can serve as vital emotional support systems for children, promoting empathy, responsibility, and social skills. By promoting responsible pet ownership and providing access to sustainable and humane treatment options, we can help children develop deep connections with their animal companions while gaining a greater appreciation for the natural world.
With tremendous potential for growth in the coming years, we believe that by collaborating with other nations, we can drive innovation and build a brighter future for upcoming generations.
We extend a cordial invitation to the global nations under the G20 India Presidency forum to join us in our pursuit of sustainable growth and development in the Indian veterinary market, under the leadership and guidance of our honorable Prime Minister of Republic of India Shri Narendra Modi and our revered honorable President of India Droupadi Murmu - 15th President of Republic of India , we firmly believe that by working together as a united global family. With vast potential for growth in the coming years, we are confident that we can establish a more sustainable circular economy. By adopting eco-friendly practices and utilizing innovative technologies, we can reduce our environmental impact while promoting sustainable economic development. This approach aligns with the global shift towards sustainability and provides a promising path towards a brighter future for generations to come.
Our primary focus is on sustainability, and we are committed to leveraging the latest technology and resources to develop innovative solutions through collaborative research and development. We are convinced that by working together as a cohesive team, we can create pragmatic solutions that will support the growth of the Indian veterinary market while having a positive impact on both the environment and society.
We welcome you to join us on this journey and contribute your knowledge and expertise to help create a sustainable future for the veterinary industry. Let us work hand in hand towards a shared objective of sustainable economic growth.
Let us all have the equal opportunity to collaborate towards a brighter future. Our approach combines the traditional knowledge of Bharatiya Medicine with the precise Art of Blending derived from the cultural and traditional practices of our Tribal community of India residing in Uttarakhand.
India upholds an ethical stance to serve humanity as a whole, carrying the mission that every life matters, regardless of size. Every heartbeat counts.
The development of innovative veterinary medicines through nature-based cures holds immense potential to revolutionize the veterinary industry sustainably. This approach focuses on the use of natural remedies for treating animals, rather than solely relying on synthetic chemicals. By embracing eco-friendly alternatives, the veterinary industry can reduce its impact on the environment while still providing effective treatments for animal health issues. This aligns with the global shift towards sustainability and environmentally friendly practices, making it a promising area for research and development. The envisioned green pharma revolution aims to create a symbiotic relationship between ecology and the economy, generating sustainable growth and development. With the potential to reshape the veterinary industry, this approach paves the way for a brighter, greener future and will sustain our upcoming global future generations.
Our message to the world is clear: We must treasure the life force that beats within every living being. We are all linked by this pulse of existence, and it is our duty to treat each other and our planet with kindness and consideration. Regardless of our status or size, be it a humble insect or a majestic tree, we all play a role in the intricate fabric of life.
Treating all living creatures with respect and responsibility, acknowledging the impact of our actions on the interconnected web of life that surrounds us. Our goal should be to create a world where every being is valued and respected, and where the heartbeat of life can thrive.
India invite each and everyone to have new hopes with harmony to attain global wisdom for one earth, one future, one family while holding the G20 India Presidency under the unshakable leadership to achieve global wisdom for all.