Pets give us unconditional love always

Pets give us unconditional love always

Pets are pretty loving but they too have conditions, food, water, love and acceptance. They also have limits no abuse or prepared to be hissed/barked, bitten scratched. Bottom line I trust more animals than I do many people. As long as your love for pets is 100%, you give it the happiness you want and don’t abuse it. Pets are very simple. As long as you treat them well, you can get all the love from it. Dogs definitely adore you, even people who give their dogs a kick, still get it. Cats don't love you and will move out if they suspect a kick might even be thought about!

I have to love my pet so much because she arrived a bundle of neuroses I’m still unraveling. My love for animals is never conditional.I always love them completely from the moment they arrive. My shelter kitten was used to a lot of playmates and a high level of stimulation and he was no picnic either but he was just adorable. And he grew up to be a fantastic companion. There’s never any point in loving only certain parts of someone or something and wanting to change them.

Dogs that are taken from abusive situations hold no grudges toward humans. A half an ounce of kindness from a new person results in an abundance of affection from a formerly mistreated dog. Humans rarely have the capacity to completely forgive and love under those circumstances. Probably the biggest reason that the dog has become man’s best friend is because we know that when it comes to love, a dog can always outdo us.

A dog is born with an endless capacity for unconditional love, and he doesn’t even have to work at it. You can be a complete grouch, ignore your dog, and refuse him your love. When you decide you’re ready to be social again, your dog doesn’t pay you back by ignoring you. He’s just happy that you are there. More amazing still is the love that dogs and owners feel for each other often lasts a lifetime.

In a dog, love seems to grow with acquaintance to get stronger and deeper. Even when fully acquainted with all of our weaknesses, our treachery, or our unkindness, a dog seems to love strongly – and this dog love is returned by most humans. We also seem to love our dogs the more we get to know them. The bond grows between us and our dogs. This is why we need dogs. They do something for us that a human companion can rarely do. No matter how much you mess up your life, or how much wrong you do, no matter how many mistakes you make or how often you make them, regardless of your looks, your income, or social standing, your dog never judges you. He always thinks you are wonderful and loves you with all his heart.

Some people would say dog are loyal just because they depend on us for food and shelter, so they have to be nice to us. But when you see how dogs react when their humans and canine friends come back after they've been gone for a long time or when they don't come back at all, you know it's about more than food. Dogs are pack animals. They want to belong to a pack, whether it's made up of dogs or humans, or pretty much any animal.

You can look at these Unlikely Animal Friends videos to see all the different kinds of friends that dogs will make. Dogs aren't loners. When they lose a member of a pack, even temporarily, they feel that a part of them is missing. Loving creatures. Dogs are also naturally affectionate. Their instinct is to want to bond. Dogs that fight or attack have been conditioned by humans to be that way. Dogs want to love and be loved, which I think deep down is what all of us want. They want to be part of a pack, contribute to their pack, and protect their fellow pack members. Cheers!


