Petrol or Diesel ? Announce Yourself
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Extract from the article:
The Supreme Court is planning to introduce pan-India tags for vehicles to distinguish between petrol and diesel types using color-coded stickers. Specifically, blue stickers for petrol vehicles, orange for diesel vehicles, and orange stickers for petrol vehicles. This initiative traces back to August 2018 when the Supreme Court first proposed hologram-based stickers. The move aims to enhance environmental consciousness and regulate vehicle emissions across the nation.
My Take:
In hindsight, I had advocated for a policy shift towards cleaner fuel vehicles years ago. The recent push by the Supreme Court to phase out heavy diesel vehicles aligns with my long-standing belief in exploring alternative fuel resources to combat air pollution nationwide."
Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan??.. …………..?20 Nov 2018?“
All Vehicle manufacturers will be mandated to embedded the vehicles with?FASTag?RFID sensors and other sensors , listed at :
??Internet??of??Vehicles??[ 04 March 2017??]
From these sensors , NaviC will be able to pick up?DATA?re :?
Energy Source ( Petrol or Diesel )?
Type of vehicle –
?Capacity –?
Manufacturing date –?
Purpose –?
Emission levels??etc ,
?from all vehicles – ships – planes – drones etc
Trucks transporting GOODS , ( and embedded with RFID?FASTags?into all carried packages ) will enable NaviC to integrate with e-way bill system , as described in :
?? ?A New Way to E-Way ???[??15??July??2017??]
Call to Action:
To the Ministry of Transport and concerned authorities, I urge swift and decisive action in implementing the Supreme Court's proposed national policy to phase out heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Let's prioritize clean air and a pollution-free environment for all citizens by accelerating the transition to cleaner fuel vehicles nationwide.
With regards,
? / 04 Jan 2014