Peter Williamson takes his seat as the new chair of Make UK Affiliate Partner Board
Peter Williamson CDir , who recently stepped down from his managing director role at RARUK Automation in order to focus on Automate UK , is passionate about the need for the UK manufacturing sector to adopt more Automation, to empower small businesses, as well as upskilling and increasing the country’s workforce.
Peter said, “Being appointed to the Make UK affiliate partner board is a huge honour. Following on from the previous chair, Steve Brambley who was a fantastic ?chair will be a challenge but one that I welcome as we continue to be the voice of our industry.”
By welcoming Peter onto the board, the reach of both organisations has been extended to the benefit of all their members. Not only will communication between these sector leaders become smoother; they will be able to share ideas and best practices, not to mention access a wide base of resources.
Chris Corkan , Region Director – Midlands & East of England & Affiliate Partnerships at Make UK also said, “I am delighted that Peter Williamson CDir , CEO, Automate UK (previously known as PPMA) has accepted the role of Affiliate Partner Board Chair. Peter and I look forward to continuing to work with you all moving forwards I would also like to take the opportunity to re-iterate thanks on behalf of Make UK to Steve Brambley, CEO, GAMBICA who has been an excellent Chair and supporter to our collective work on behalf of manufacturing in recent years. Particularly guiding the voice of the affiliate partner programme during covid-19. Steve remains a welcome and active participant in this group moving forwards. “