Peter Waterschoot

Peter Waterschoot

Time Is A Beast
Time is a Beast?

(color archives and disappearing acts)

What if we would see time as a Beast, a living entity? Think of time spent with your lover, think of time spent in front of an open fire, think of time in a bathtub, think of time in the woods, think of time during illness. This time is non-time that allows you to tap into something bigger than life.
What if time were a beast? It can carry you just as well as?it can swallow you.
We should approach Time like we should approach a deity; a muscled and scaly deity, not menacing, but altogether petulant, and unpredictable enough to not let its’ back be ridden easily.

My photographic work is as much about untamed time as well as it is about the time I need to create my photography. During the process of photographing I enter? a time and space free?time-space, which is an erotic and spiritual experience, like meditation, but put into instinctive photographical action. Paradoxically it is by ‘killing time’ that time comes to life.
This vision is strongly connected to my reverence for painting. The painter brings an image to life by hand; the brush brushes the canvas; the fine and fat strokes sweep away time.
Painting-time is time with undivided focus. Painting and photography have been engaged in a pas de deux since the inception of the latter. I draw inspiration from this pas de deux and gladly abandon the decisive moment,?which allows me to strip the image from its’ context and plunge into an obsessive study of texture and color, which results in an archive of appropriated color schemes.
To enable these semi-performative photographical acts, I work from well chosen retreats on locations far away from clocks and routines, I call these retreats my?‘disappearing acts’.

Peter H. Waterschoot

Opening Hours
Wednesday - Saturday
14:00 - 18:00
Or by appointment
Schouwburgplein 4
8500 Kortrijk

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Kathleen Van Nuffel

Na 5 jaar knokken geef ik met grote blijdschap terug les als leermeester NCZ in het GO!

2 年

Prachtige tentoonstelling in Kortrijk!



