PETA stated on a Dallas billboard this week that "Meat Interrupts Your Sex Life." and "Meat and dairy clog your arteries and can lead to erectile dysfunction."
Nurture Ranch declares to PETA, "Our meat can make your sex life better in 12 ways than a diet of just fruit and vegetables and we have scientific proof that refutes your claims." Get the full story by clicking here.
We respect PETA's passion and focus to protect animals. We also respect a well rounded diet complete with fruit and vegetables.
That said, it is scientifically proven that meat is a significantly better source of protein than fruits or vegetables.
Protein is a key source of nutrition to build and repair tissues. Your body uses protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals considered key ingredients to life including your sex life.
Yes, you can use beans for protein, but they are not a complete protein and contain much less than meat can provide. Additionally, beans are not recognized as an aphrodisiac or associated with a positive sex life.
That said, OUR 100% GRASS FED BEEF IS BETTER IN 12 WAYS? for your sex life beyond protein.
Here’s how:
#1 Traceable Origin
You know exactly where our meat came from and how it was raised. You can't say that for the vast majority of fruit and vegetables. You really have no idea where they've been and all the unknown baggage they are carrying.
Read the rest of this post and see a short new seductive response video by clicking here.