VERREOS INSURANCE AGENCY : Humpty Dumpty only gets put back together again IF you have the right policy. Join thousands satisfied. Let us show you; Business or Home - MrInsuranceBroker's territory = CA. Don't wait!
Well should we or shouldn't we? If something really serious happens that requires surgery, you'll be happy if you bought a medical policy that covers your pet, but it's not so simple. Like all insurance there are conditions, limitations, and exclusions that can either prevent your claim from being paid, or reduce the amount paid to where you don't feel very good about it. Why not start at the beginning, Having your pets spayed and neutered, and micro chipped is some of the least expensive risk management/insurance you can buy. Next up is training. Why training? Because a lack of training often results in unwanted behaviors that end up badly for your pets: They don't listen to stop, sit, or stay commands. Next thing you know they make the jail break and go wandering. What happens out in the mean streets? The get into fights, eat things that make them sick, pick up parasites, get stolen, or run over by a car. Nothing beats training for preventing unwanted behaviors.
Verreos Insurance Agency - your trusted advisor 800.464.1397 CA only CDI#0585599