Pet Dog and Community Dog
Pet dog parents get into so many situations when they take their dog or dogs for a walk. As the canine behaviourist says body language and energy is the ways communication is done.
Leash and off leash walks helps you to be more aware of the surroundings and even the smallest wonders of nature and how our pet dog and and street dog interact through their ears , tails, eyes, mouth and overall body posture.
So we might be accustomed with community dogs walking with us when we are leash walking our dogs. These community dogs might want to interact with our pet dogs or slightly bark if our pet dogs invade the space of our community dogs.
Now, this happens to me that my dog is quite dominant when he is walking with leash, his tail curled up and triggered when there is a dominace fight between community dogs, these fight necessarily invites other community dogs to join the fight.
Whenever you try to provide care or nourishment to your community dogs or dogs that pass while you are in market place, bus stop or road side or near the dustbin, there might be people who says why don't you take them home, especially if you are routinely feeding them.
So if we can coexist with our community dogs and providing them necessary care and preventive medicine (food, deworming and vaccination), there is nothing better than pack discipline, adaptibility and freedom they can live upto. They have great deal of healing power and pain tolerance and immunity. When you see dogs recover from injury or illness, that really proves how we can co-exist and they can be so happy.
If you have a daily ritual of feeding dogs in your area that can be a better reason to be satisfied and be in peace than having big breakfast.