PERcy SUN's is a Dedicated Personal Emergency Response Service, holding for itself such stringent target as: Entrepreneurship, Apprenticeship and many other progressive means for specific learning and careers (a platform for such -- at least -- by this beginning).
In this light -- and by Entrepreneurship, we are looking to what ownership means, by measuring meaningful impact -- if any -- for "Sole-Trader" Emergency System.
We also offer ad-hoc solutions, in addition to purchasing for, and from your hands, appropriate vehicle as may be required.
We are desperate in-need, for interested parties looking to partner -- as dedicated PERcy SUN's EMergency Service Practitioner(s).
We look to individuals -- or families -- who are capable, and continue so, funding & operating Emergency Vehicle Unit(s).
Because Families like this exist as an operational unit already, such an application -- as outfitted -- is encouraged, whereby the first criteria -- above -- may already be met.
Management Solutions -- at this moment -- is restricted to Sheffield, Yorkshire & her 'Si3ter Locations' -- as located elsewhere -- in the Europe, America's, Africa, & within Asia.
PERcy SUN's: We Operate Team Emergency Response System -- directly, in liaison, as consultant (in attache).?