Perspective in the Time of Pandemic
Kathleen Taylor-Gadsby
Leadership Development Specialist - Executive Coach, Speaker, Facilitator
It’s a dull day, in an uneventful month, in a strange year.
Anyone else feel that way? Or is it just me? The monotony of the days seem endless, repetitive and just plain boring – even or because I am working from home.
And I am generally the happy positive one in the room. I’ve even been called (perhaps not lovingly), the energizer bunny. Where did all that energy go?
I bet I’m not the only one feeling this malaise.
I decided to research if wallowing in the doldrums was at all helpful. You know how some days, just getting out of your pajamas and putting on something presentable seems like too much to do in one day. Funnily enough, according to experts it’s not a great idea to live in your pajamas day after day (with the incumbent lack of activity in your limbs and in your noggin)– metaphorically or otherwise.
Sooo, she says with a long sigh – what’s a bored, stuck in a rut, slow moving and slow thinking pandemic captive to do? ...Read More