Perspective Is Polarizing

Perspective Is Polarizing

The optimist sees the donut; the pessimist sees the hole.” – Oscar Wilde.

?If you have been alive for more than 30 seconds, I’m confident that you’ve experienced something that you were so sure about, and someone else – either a stranger, colleague, or loved one – had the exact opposite experience.


  • Ocean water temperature – you felt it was freezing … your friend felt it was perfect temperature;
  • Spicy food – your spouse did not break a sweat … but you began to sweat so profusely that your shirt is still wet;
  • Christmas movies – we all know that Die Hard is one of the greatest Christmas movies ever … however my neighbor cannot relate.

And it boggles your mind. How can something that you know to be so true, so non-negotiable … be seen so differently??

It’s called perspective. And your perspective is how you see the world, supported by your experiences, your values, and your beliefs. Simply stated, your perspective is what you see, based on what you have seen. It drives our actions, our decisions, and our thoughts in both our personal and professional lives.

And when not questioned … it can be dangerous. Dangerous? How, you ask? Simple – based on your perspective … whatever you are looking for, you will find it.

Whatever you are looking for … you will find it.

Don’t believe me? Try this:? Look around the room that you are in and notice everything that you see is beige. Look at everything …

Now close your eyes and tell me everything that you saw that was … blue. I’ll bet you can’t name one item.

Now look around for something blue … odds are you saw a lot more blue.?

As I said above … whatever you are look for … you find it. Human nature dictates that once you believe something … you find things to support that belief. It is a trait that we all have … because at the end of the day we all want to think that we’re right.

Even when we’re not right. Note I did not say “when we’re wrong” … I said “when we’re not right.”?

Is it possible for two people to see things vastly differently, and both be right?


Just like the boater and beachbum or the two people arguing about the number of sticks … they both saw things differently and they are both right. And they are both wrong.

And they are no different from you.

Look … our perspective drives what we see based on our experiences … and it drives others based on their experiences. That’s why it’s so important to understand where others are coming from when we talk to them. If you do not understand what they are seeing/have seen, you will never be able to have a productive conversation with them … and more importantly – help them to see things your way.

Whether it’s your spouse, your child, your friend, your boss, your co-worker, or someone you have the privilege to lead … understanding where they are coming from will not only help you understand them … it will help you see the world from a different perspective.?

It will make you wiser.

It will make you more effective.

It will make you better.

So next time you are doing anything – making a sales call, starting a new job, meeting a new friend, dealing with a grumpy bartender … try to see things from their perspective. Ask them questions. Take a step back and look at things from their shoes …

You just may see things differently … and you just may improve your perspective.

It’s Up To You.

PS - Enjoy the donut … and the donut hole.













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