Perspective Matters - If You Are Looking
Have you heard the story about the two shoe sales reps?
Two shoe sales reps are hired and given a new territory. Their new territory is somewhere in the jungles of South America.
Both reps are excited to get started in their new roles. They learn everything they can about the product lines. They take the time to understand the pricing, shipping and sizing options. They hop on a plane and fly to their new territory.
After they land they do this ...
They hop off the plane and look around. After a few minutes they head back into the airport terminal and find a pay phone.
The first rep makes a call back to the factory and tells them:
“Don’t send anything.
No one here wears shoes.”
The other rep also called back to the factory and said:
“Send everything we’ve got!
No one here wears shoes!!”
Notice anything different?
- Both took the same flight
- Both are selling the same thing
- Both saw the same thing ... Or did they?
Perspective Matters!
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