Perspective Matters
Annelies M. Gentile, MA, PCC
CONDUIT FOR CHANGE, LLC ? Executive Life & Leadership Coach ? Speaker ? Facilitator ? Process Artist ? Author "From Chaos to Calm" ??? I help leaders face uncertainty with courage, creativity and grace. 919-345-8396
How are you navigating through change lately? Feeling like a yacht, proud and able? Maybe more like a tug boat, slow and stable? Or are you more like a sailboat, soaked with torn sails?
No matter your vessel, you're here now on a journey. Your vessel may not look or feel like mine or the next fella's. Also our paths may look profoundly different. Poet Rumi said, "There's a thousand ways to kneel down and kiss the ground." A thousand ways to get to the same point.
It's our perspective that yields the "real" experience. Can you be both a torn sailed vessel with a sense of stable ability? Sure. It's called hope. Others call it faith. I call it perspective.
Perspective changes everything. It's not a mind game (maybe a little bit). It's more of a mind-altering game. Literally a game of more or less information. A change of aperture. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.
Stand on a mountain see the valley. Stand in a valley see only the mountain. So much of our time, we spend stuck in the trenches. When we rise up and out we can see from that proverbial 30,000 foot view and see how the trenches connect.
Good wisdom right? To some extent. See... where people get snagged is in NOT realizing where they are in the first place. Lacking the sense of sense to be aware in the first place. Awareness of place, purpose and intuition. Mindful leaders lead from within.
Do you know where you are? Do you know who you are? Where are you most awake?
As we nudge back into #lifewithcovid, I encourage you to acknowledge what's important and walk with that in mind and in practice. Take care of self, take care of one another. Be kind.
As my beloved mentor Dianne Connelly says, "We're here now, we're here together, and that won't always be so. What are the meaningful conversations to have in the meantime?" I say... let's have conversations about life, about nature and creativity, about love and transformative leadership. Let's talk about ways to peel back fear and lead with love and resilience. Perspective Matters READ MORE HERE
Go down the rabbit-hole. Explore more in my book From Chaos to Calm :: Leading Change from the Inside Out
INTERESTED IN AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH to life and leadership? Let's talk. My consultations are free. I love exploring and sharing dynamic and useful processes with curious minds, and soulful hearts. 919-345-8396 or email [email protected]
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