Perspective is Everything!

Perspective is Everything!

While stationed at Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi, I took up golf. I’d never played it before, but my good friend and boss, Dave Griffith, was an avid golfer, one of those golfers who would wrap his club around a tree if he hit a bad shot. I saw him do it. I figured it was part of being a good golfer. I was never that good, however….

We went out regularly. You can do that in Mississippi. One Saturday morning, I invited our four-year-old daughter, Tesa, to join us. Not to play, but to ride the cart. I thought she might enjoy it. She did, actually. But what she enjoyed most was my playing. She had a different perspective on the game, though.

I was still a novice, so not very good. As we got to playing, I ended up hitting a ball right into a pond, otherwise known as a water hazard. Tesa went nuts! That was before kids freaked out. She yelled and cheered, “Yay, Dad! You got it! Right into the water!” She, obviously, thought that I was aiming at the water. I may have been. I just hit the ball. Didn’t really know how to aim at anything. Dave tried to teach me. That may have been when he wrapped his club around the tree.

Well, there were several water hazards on the course, and I hit every one of them and Tesa loved it! Every time I tried to explain to her that that wasn’t what I was intending, she’d look at me with puppy-dog eyes, not knowing what I meant. I gave up quickly. It became more fun watching her enjoy my foils than improving my game. It did improve eventually, when Tesa wasn’t with us.

We may have an intention in mind that is not easily translated to others, especially of different generations. And frustration can easily overcome us when we try to explain those intentions. When that happens, maybe it’s time to realize that what you were shooting for isn’t so important. Maybe there’s more joy in seeing things differently and enjoying them in different way. I loved that day. Still do. Love you, Tesa! And thanks for helping me see your perspective. It was much more funner than mine! ?




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