Dean Waggenspack
Author | Resume Writer| Make Moments Matter | Doable Change | TedxDayton2019 Speaker
Often, life is all about perspective.
Rose and I just had to make the decision to get a new furnace and air conditioner for our house. We were not planning on spending $15,000+ right now. We didn't want to go through the hassle of being around for the workers to install the new furnace. It will interrupt my running time! I have work calls!
That is an understandable reaction.
But there is a totally different perspective we have the choice to take. We probably saved our lives (mine, again!). Without even knowing that we needed saving.
During the yearly checkup on our furnace, the technician found unacceptable, potentially dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in our house. From our perspective, the furnace was doing what we wanted it to do. The house was warm. We did not notice any smell. We were not experiencing headaches or lethargy that are common with carbon monoxide poisoning. If we had not had the regular checkup, we might not have found out. Until too late. So, we need to replace the furnace.
I guess the unexpected expenditure of money is worth it.
I have the choice. I can lead with, "Dang, we have to get a new furnace." The other option is to say, "We probably saved our lives." Both true. One leads with a positive mindset. The other with, a mindset of please have some pity on me.
Not every moment in life presents such drastic consequences. But many moments can be seen from either a "woe is me" or a "here's the good point" perspective.
More often than not, we begin with the negative. "The person in line in front of me took forever." "Work is keeping me too busy." "Let me tell you about the bad thing that happened to me." We get the choice to focus on the negative or focus on something more positive. Perhaps if you think about what you would prefer to hear from someone else you'll get some guidance. Take some time today to be a little more positive.
My October 29 Blog post (also available here ) #DoableChange #MakeMomentsMatter
Healthcare CTO Carahsoft
4 个月Hey bro Really good perspective Glad I saw it and read it Be safe