?? Perspective by the Book!
Winnie Czulinski
Writer ~ Journalist ~ Ghostwriter ~ Editor -> Publishing-PR Pro -> Bringing Your Stories to Life!
?? At first, and from a distance, I thought this was an upside-down teacup placed on the books.
Then I saw the 'cup' has a spout, and seems to be a small teapot/coffeepot or something similar. It's all a matter of perspective!
And that "p" word is good for you to keep in mind as a published author.
?? In writing and publishing a book, you can expect to hear from different readers that they get different things from your story.
After all, who we are and what we uniquely experience is something we bring to everything we read – whether we consciously know it or not.
It colours our perception and perspective, how we identify with or feel about a piece of writing, and what we absorb, understand and focus on, from a story.
?? How we look at something is part of the process of reading. And in that way, it makes a story larger, and with more "identities," way beyond what the author may have intended.
In a sense, it makes a story several stories – just as we are "different people" to different people (depending on how they view/interact with us as).
And it's also good to keep perspective in mind when you're reading reviews of your book.
That person (assuming it's a legit review) is coming to your published creation and commenting on it through their own lens. They can't do it any other way, short of being able to crawl into someone else's brain.
?? You can also understand that there are times when nasty reviews are just coming from a nasty mindset. The words may not be "valid."
But the fact you've put your book out there into the world means you'll get a variety of responses, some "bad," and you can't control it. That's the "downside" of democracy. People are free to do as they wish, no matter what you'd like them to do.
But just keep this in mind: you may get some startling, unexpected, delightful reviews that come from someone else's perspective, very different from yours.
It helps make your book a multi-faceted thing – and can help keep it alive in a very crowded marketplace! You may find, too, that a media person writing about you and your book focuses on something unexpected – to you.
?? Perspective is intriguing. It opens up so many possibilities and so many worlds. It's good to learn to keep and understand our own perspective on things around us...and to appreciate what comes from others.
Are you working on a book? I can help with writing, editing, publishing options and media/marketing/promo :)