Personalizing Job Offers and Dressing for Success

Personalizing Job Offers and Dressing for Success

Author:?Joe Giacomin?| [email protected] | (248) 453-0092

Presenting a job offer? Make it personal.

Considerable effort is expended when an organization engages in a search process to acquire a new employee. It begins with devising a comprehensive job description, specific requirements and choosing to fill the job internally or going outside – possibly to an executive search firm – like ours. Along the way, there are the recruiting and evaluation process, initial contacts, interviews, more (multiple staff) interviews, aptitude tests and reference checking. It can be an exhaustive process (especially at present) when there are a limited number of qualified people open to changing jobs.?

While this article zooms in on the actual offer, it is important to note that the fluid movement of your hiring process, regardless of the types of procedures you have in place, is of paramount importance.?Good candidates are moving targets and they are evaluating you, your company and how your interview procedures and timing are addressed. They’re watching.

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So, you have finally zeroed in on the candidate you wish to present with a job offer. Congratulations! It may have been a few weeks or possibly a few months since the search process commenced. And now, here you are, ready to present an offer and hopefully acquire your top candidate. It’s important that some pre-offer homework has been completed. If you’re working with a search firm, by the time the process reaches offer stage, the recruiter will know specifically if the candidate wants the job –and why. The recruiter will also know specifically, the level of compensation it will require to ensure acceptance.

Personally, I like to approach the hiring authority with a salary range and stating: “John Q. Candidate will not accept less than “X”, would ideally prefer “Y” and be ecstatic with” Z”.?The offer will include anything that may be (vacation time, etc.) important to the candidate.?This will equip the hiring authority together with human resources with a gauge in which to assemble an offer which will be accepted. Too often, a company simply prepares an offer and sends it off (via e-mail) to the candidate.?This may work, but to increase?the odds of a successful outcome, I recommend that the offer be made in writing and presented (ideally) in person … at the very least, via telephone or video call, either by the hiring authority or the recruiter.

The personal “welcome aboard” will make a huge difference, allowing the presenter and candidate an opportunity to discuss variables and answer specific questions about benefits, office procedures, etc. The hiring process is often a hard fought, methodical “twelve play drive”. When it is goal to goal at the one-yard line, ultimate success typically depends upon flawless execution.

Dress for success: Soooo last century

To say that “things have changed” regarding business attire might not fully define the status of present-day fashion.?Dressing for success used to be simple.?For men, a business suit, dress shirt, (French cuffs for a little extra power) a tasteful tie, complimenting leather shoes, (polished) light on jewelry and cologne and you were ready to take on the world.?For women, much the same general approach…either a suit or jacket with skirt or slacks –or possibly a business-like dress. It’s what I have advised job candidates to wear to interviews for years. It was how most people in the world of business, traveled to the office--- every day.

So, what happened??It began innocently enough with the introduction of casual Friday. Fast forward to remote and/or hybrid work arrangements coupled with a years-in-the-making relaxation of standards –of all types.

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America has gone casual…maybe too casual? Styles change -- sometimes for the better. Anyone who may remember the 1970’s (if you weren’t there, please look it up) will agree that it may have been the worst decade for fashion in modern history.

While the business suit is a best- bet for interviews, the business casual model appears to be an acceptable option, but it doesn’t have to imply, “business sloppy”.?Dressing appropriately for the occasion, putting some thought into tasteful coordination and above all, being well-groomed and wrinkle- free will give you the edge. Remember the phrase about making a good first impression? It’s a concept that has endured for centuries.

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Re:Search? is a quarterly newsletter addressing issues related to the recruitment of management, marketing, and technical professionals. The author, Joseph A. Giacomin, specializes in executive search for the automotive O.E.M. industry. Copyright ? 2022.        


