Personality and branding it.
A witty remarkability, moderated political correctness, and a knack for saying the exact thing that needs to be said; a great personality is a skill, a plus point, a way to navigate the deep complexities of life.
But the above statement is inadequate in explaining what a personality serves as. A personality as a whole is a set of structures designed to help people perceive a person, a thing, or an organization. This perception modification heavily influences how someone reacts to a certain personality.
Personality defines how people react to something.
As a result, by making some changes to a personality, you can alter its responses to an extent. Now, to clarify, personality here refers to brand identity. Every brand has a certain personality attached to it which is curated specifically by experts to affect how people perceive their products and their brand as a whole.
Designing a great brand identity is important.
With a brand identity, you get to portray your business in a user-friendly image. What kind of personality you design to fit your brand has to be a well-thought process.
Whatever “personality” a brand chooses to adopt, the goal is to have it reflect in every action the brand partakes. This includes how your products or services are portrayed, how your ideal customer is perceived, and even how the kind of content your business puts up on social media and other networking sites.
Why is it so important for a brand to have a personality?
The simple answer to this question is - coherence & cohesion. A brand manager is tasked with directing the entire presence of a certain brand. By defining a specific tone, color, and theme, it becomes easier to understand and explain what direction any marketing plan needs to take. Not only does it work great for a team to know what they’re doing, but it also allows customers to have a set idea of what a brand does and stands for.
Picking a “personality”.
Brands are not people. It is completely counterintuitive to expect a business to have human characteristics, which is the best part - you get to create a personality from scratch, exactly the way you want.
There are two key components that must be factored in while designing a brand identity. Ask yourself these two questions -?
When you find the answers to these two questions, you are able to define the point of commencement and the point of finish, i.e., the product/service and to whom you’re offering it. Once you are done defining Point A & Point B, you can start thinking about the path it takes to get from the former to the latter.
Is the path from Point A to Point B an experience? What kind of an experience is it? Is it an experience that will plant your brand identity into your customer’s head?
A branded podcast is a perfect example of how businesses employ audio as a medium to portray their values to their customers and clients.
Finishing notes.
The entire process of creating a brand should be treated with a hit-and-trial approach. Personalities are not very static, they keep evolving and changing. Trying to build a great brand identity on the first try is very difficult. Always allow room for change in your brand identity plan.?