Personal Values
Pauline Weddell

Personal Values

When I first encountered the concept of personal values, I dismissed it as idealistic and impractical. I couldn’t see how they had any real impact or why they were worth considering.

However, over time, I’ve invested a great deal of effort in understanding my values and their profound influence on my behaviour and decision-making.

Today, I recognize them as one of the most critical foundations of effective leadership. That’s why I now integrate values exploration into all my coaching work.

I've also seen how gaining clarity on personal values plays a key role in building confidence—which many thoughtful leaders struggle with.

What Are Personal Values?

Personal values are the core beliefs that shape what matters most to you. They often develop early in life, influenced by family, friends, and upbringing.

Once established, personal values tend to remain stable over time, providing a consistent foundation for decision-making and behaviour. Understanding them can offer long-term clarity and direction.

While significant life events may shift perspectives and lead to adjustments, your values will generally remain a steady guide throughout your life.

How Personal Values Can Build Confidence

Confidence is a valuable commodity in leadership.

One thing I’ve noticed about working with thoughtful leaders is that they often struggle with feelings of low confidence.

That doesn’t mean thoughtful leaders aren’t capable.

Far from it, I think thoughtful people generally make excellent leaders.

But being thoughtful means being a deep thinker. And this can come with natural challenges, including:

  • Second-guessing or doubting yourself
  • Feeling like you are an imposter or
  • Worrying about or regretting decisions or actions you’ve taken.

So let’s look at some ways that personal values can help you build confidence, so you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying what you do.

Personal Values Set a Strong Foundation

Understanding your personal values is essential for establishing a strong foundation in your leadership approach.

By foundation, I mean gaining clarity on what truly matters to you—what you stand for, what you’re willing to tolerate, and what you won’t accept.

I often compare personal values to the deep roots of a mighty oak tree. They provide stability, strength, and resilience, anchoring you through challenges and guiding your decisions with confidence.

Strong Oak Tree

Just as deep roots keep an oak tree steady in the face of strong winds, your personal values provide stability amid life's challenges. The stronger your values, the firmer your foundation—giving you the confidence to stand tall no matter what comes your way.

A Strong Foundation = Self-Acceptance

At its core, this is about self-acceptance—understanding who you are, what you believe in, and why it all makes sense.

When you gain clarity on your personal values, you start seeing patterns in your reactions. You recognise why certain situations bring out the best in you while others leave you feeling frustrated or out of place. You begin to understand why you connect with some people and struggle with others.

Suddenly, those moments of doubt or anxiety don’t feel so random. Your responses aren’t just irrational—they’re a reflection of whether you’re aligned with your values or not.

From my own experience, this realisation helped me quiet the self-criticism and negative self-talk. It didn’t mean I stopped striving for growth, but it did help me develop a kinder, more constructive approach to self-improvement.

Knowing your values doesn’t mean saying, “This is just who I am—take it or leave it.” Growth is always essential. But when you start understanding yourself better, you can build confidence in who you are while still evolving.

So, are you ready to discover your own personal values?

Why not contact the Learn To Grow Ltd team today to learn more about our new workshop? The course will help you identify and understand your values and what they mean and give you some good ideas about how to use them.

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