Personal Trainers - Why You Should Not Be Taking Cash For Block Bookings
So let’s be real, being given cash for block Personal Training bookings can be addictive.
Putting a wad of money in your pocket feels great. You feel like you have arrived, that you deserve to be paid large sums of cash (you absolutely do), and that even though you are just starting out, you are being given the respect you crave – what a feeling!
Which all sounds perfect until the wheels begin to come off….
Let me explain further:-
The week before your training block finishes the client texts you and states that they can’t make training tonight, and have decided they are going to do their own thing.
Or, you reach the end of your training block, turn up for session 1 of your new block expecting another nice chunk of cash….
And the client doesn’t turn up!
Or they do turn up and they have forgotten their wallet, or their bank card or any number of other reasons. Either way, you don’t get paid!
“I will pay you next time” are the dreaded words, but sadly on many occasions, next time never comes.
And so the story goes on.
In our experience mentoring and coaching thousands of Personal Trainers, this has happened to every single one of them who receives cash for block bookings.
It’s also one of a number of key reasons why you do not own a business. We will go into that further another time…
So what should you be doing?
You must implement a payment structure of receiving monthly payments via standing order, direct debit or similar systems such as a payment collection company etc. This must be done with urgency.
A foundation principle of the RM Mentoring programme is having secure financial systems in place. This means your business records its turnover, the books are kept up-to-date, the payments are taken consistently, professionally and swiftly. These financial systems are one of the key differences between having a job, in which you get paid to count reps. And running a business.
If you do not have a payment system in place, you do not have a business. YOU HAVE A JOB!
A job with insecure payments, no holiday pay and zero benefits.
If you want a solid and secure business, implement a payment structure today.