Personal And Team Leadership
Master of Business Leadership Program
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Leadership at scale starts with leadership from within. We need to be developing more sheepdogs. The job of a sheepdog is to serve and protect the sheep from the wolves. These wolves have a co-dependant relationship with each other. They are constantly trying to control and manipulate the sheep but they do not like each other; they do not trust each other and they would never lower their walls around each other. Organizational change begins with individual change.
Emotional intelligence is essential for change to occur. It inspires trust and higher levels of engagement. If we lose trust, we will not take the risks change requires. The amount of drama, chaos and conflict within an organization is a reflection of its current level of emotional intelligence. The development of sheepdogs will end the toxic drama, chaos and conflict the wolves among us have created. This will create the environment for leadership at scale to occur.
Imagine you are 95 years old and about to take your last breath. If you were able to go back in time to today, what advice would you give yourself? How do you want to be remembered? What are you doing to help others? How are you allowing your ego-based fears to get in the way of serving others? What have you been allowing to stand in the way of your personal leadership? What needs to change? We need purposeful leaders who are willing to serve and inspire others.
Let’s have a virtual coffee together.