Personal Security Awareness

Personal Security Awareness

Although accurate verifiable statistics are difficult to come by conservative estimates indicate there are anywhere from 12,500 to 25,000 kidnappings a year worldwide (Lloyds Insurance, 2016) many of which end in the death, mutilation and in several incidences, the release of victims on receipt of payment to kidnappers.

Of the estimated 8,000 incidences of kidnap of Higher Executives in Western Europe, ransom or  exchange of information has taken place in over 75% of cases in order to secure the freedom of the victims (ISIS 2013). According to recent research compiled by the UK Government  (FCO 2014) private industry and commercial companies are reputed to have paid out almost $70 million to organisations affiliated to groups in the Middle East/North Africa in 2013 alone. It should be noted that according to the research that all of those who where victims of kidnap where not all present in the Middle East at the time, with several recorded incidences of abduction in the UK, France and Spain. 

As is the case in other jurisdictions, the process of Tiger Kidnap in the Republic of Ireland has evolved, the use of extreme violence against either the target, their spouse or children is a common occurrence. In all the cases recorded in 2013, violence was used to coerce the principle target into a specific course of action. Furthermore, there has been a marked increase in the level of excessive violence used by Organised Gang Criminals as opposed to that used by Dissident or Republican Paramilitaries. Of concern is the increased rates of cases not being pursued through the courts either through flawed evidence or witnesses withdrawing their statements.

For High Net Worth individuals and those involved in frequent travel, there are significant risks to be taken into consideration, particularly when travelling abroad. While many corporate groups offer kidnap and ransom insurance, this is often little comfort to those who are in vulnerable positions, and in many cases the knowledge of such policies by an Executive can nullify any future claim. It is therefore imperative, regardless of any existing company insurance policies, that decision makers proactively engage in the provision of training and awareness programs for ‘at-risk’ staff. In real terms, it is not possible to provide every executive with physical protection, but it is possible to instil a corporate sense of personal security awareness into key personnel.  

Brand Identification

The design and construction of a specific ‘Corporate Personal Security Awareness Curriculum’ is no longer viewed as an ‘add on’ to company policy, it is a corporate responsibility. Within industry, in every field throughout the globe, it is accepted that employees who identify with their own corporate brand (as opposed to saying ‘I work in pharmaceuticals) acknowledge that ‘their’ companies duty of care extends from the workplace to their personal lives.  Of interest, is that it is the alleged lack of an employer ‘duty of care’ process that is currently before the Irish Courts between an employee and the Bank where he worked. Simply put, investing in training and personal security awareness makes sound corporate sense. While it is not possible to identify who may be the target of abduction or Tiger Kidnap, within Ireland there several key indicators have been identified:        

  • In all cases there was violence used against the principle target, in addition there where threats of sexual assault against spouses and children of the target.
  • There was evidence of extensive surveillance by the kidnappers prior to abduction.
  • It was assessed by Law Enforcement that adequate personal security precautions would have limited the scope for effective targeting of victims.
  • Often, the victim of such attacks was not the Senior Executive, but members of the Executive Board and/or Senior Appointment Holders. Interviews with perpetrators of Tiger Kidnaps indicated that it was the presence of preventative robust security procedures that stopped them from targeting Senior Executives.
  • Within the Republic of Ireland there are 9 known cases of Tiger Kidnap of Irish Nationals that received no media attention due to the demands of those involved. It should be noted that not all these cases happened within the ROI, in one instance an abduction took place while the target was on holiday in North Africa.


It is not possible or practical to offer all members of staff personal security. However, it is possible to instil a corporate program designed to complement current ‘in-house’ training in regards to personal security. In addition it is possible to tailor such training specific to an individuals appointment. In essence the employee manning the reception desk would require a different level and emphasis on training as opposed to the employee responsible for screening incoming mail. Within the higher echelons of the company it is however critical that specific tailored security awareness training is completed. Such training should not simply be a ‘desk top’ exercise, it should incorporate a field exercise and practical demonstrations of recommended courses of action in the event of abduction. 

As one of the oldest insurance providers of kidnap and ransom products, Lloyds of London emphasis the point that ‘in the current market, where kidnapping is a lucrative revenue generator for many groups, it is not possible to guarantee prevention, but it is possible to instil preventative measures that limit the risk’……


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