A personal reflection on algorithm art using AI and its limitations compared to human performances by Vladimiro Di Vito
Vladimiro Di Vito
I am a cosmopolitan man, with a spiritual obligation to promote social rights and human dignity of all kinds.
Seattle WA, 10/09/2024
I am an artist who loves knowledge, humankind, philosophy, writing, music, portraits, and life in all aspects. I look at kindness, love, equality, loyalty, respect, dignity, honesty, decency, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness as the life's pillars of all humans' eternity.
The algorithm art using AI intimidates me a little being an immense tool with astronomic possibilities, I try to be extremely wise playing with this new wonder available to the humanity of the future.
My focus, since 2020 is the ultimate artistic experience with "Algorithm Art using AI " Emotions, nature, technology, and imagination inspire my creativity! I combine these elements with advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to generate unique pieces of art and video clips.
Human experiences, like love, hope, and wonder spark my creative process daily. When started approcing this algorithm technology was difficult even to understand the very basic techniques but my perseverance and procrastination let me open Pandora's box, in the process.
Also, I realize the double face of this amazing innovation that can be magic and useful for humanity as can become toxic, ugly, and dangerous in the wrong hands.
My question to myself over and over is can advances in artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics eventually produce creative entities capable of real human feeling?
And will there be genuine and spontaneous creativity as a result of understanding Art to the core as well as creating art equally or better than humans?
Could a robot create the same emotional response as that of a beautiful piece of music, art, or dance by a human performer? In other words: These are videos of a human, pretending to be a robot, pretending to be a human.
Take a moment to wrap your brain around that one! Interesting conundrum. The fusion of art, algorithm, and robotics = understanding the colorful beauty of life or we can say is a personal gift made of emotions, creativity, technology, and the capability to see beyond things to create pure art.
It could be that robots could become the entertainers of the future. Possible? Certainly. But at what cost? And would we feel fulfilled? Granted the work could no doubt be beautiful, elegant, and thrilling. But it would probably be in a cadenced, complicated mathematical kind of way.
Would it have real emotion similar if the soul was involved? The beauty of human creativity is there’s the thrill of the unexpected in every work. What’s next? Why did the artist zig instead of zag? Why red instead of blue? Or why that dissonant, jarring E flat that sends shivers up your spine instead of a more comforting C major?
Could a machine create that beautiful soaring note of a distinctive voice that no other singer can duplicate? Artists with their instincts, physical abilities, imaginations, and ability to randomly change their minds, create works that thrill, inspire, elate, keep us on edge, and make the audience go.
Why didn’t I think of that? When you think about it, art is about human connection, and the understanding of feelings, ideas, and emotions. Could a piece of art created by a machine do the same? Possibly.
But if the machine can do that, then would there still be a need for humans? Throughout time, artists have always made use of the latest technology to express their creativity. And as new technology comes along in the future I’m sure they will also use it.
But somewhere down the road could come to that tipping point where the technology bypasses the artist. What then? Are we creating planned obsolescence for ourselves? Is there a happy middle ground where peaceful co-creativity can occur? NamasreAmen Written by Vladimiro Di Vito