Personal power 101: Breaking sartorial rules
Angie Weihs
Writer. Fashion psychologist. Longevity Rebel. Empowering women with meaningful styling, stories & fabulous philosophies.
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, breaking the sartorial rules that were once set in stone is the theme of the decade. It is also the most enjoyable tool for personal empowerment.
Do you feel stuck? Bored? Searching for MORE?
Disrupting our rut helps to discover what we really want. Small steps crack the crust of outmoded thoughts and behavior.
For me it started with wearing mini skirts and shorts at 60. Right now the audacious act of mixing fabric patterns is one of my favorite fashion rule breakers.
Not too long ago, the fashion police were on high alert, ready to issue citations for anyone daring to clash stripes with squares and polka dots. Today you'll find cosmopolitan streets filled with a riot of colors, textures, and prints that creatively collide in a celebration of fashion freedom.
It's not just about being unique; it's about breaking free from the constraints of fashion norm, symbolic for a society feeling constantly surveyed, handled, controlled be it by politicians or algorithms. Both don’t listen. Both don’t answer.
The taste of not being powerless is of undeniable gorgeousness. Mixing patterns allows us the satisfaction of being bad, acting reckless without hurting anybody; it's a deliberate rebellion against obedience and conformity.
It is, yes indeed, a woke thing that can wake us up to more woke things.
Do you know the feeling? You look at your well stocked maybe even color or occasion coordinated wardrobe and moan that you have nothing to wear. You yawn, you’re bored, even with your latest buys or your expensive designers. In the spur of the annoyed moment you grab a couple pants, tops, dresses, a jacket or two from those different sections, summer or winter who cares, and decide to deliver them to a thrift store. But hey, the chaos of the pile of clothes on your nicely made bed is exiting.
The juxtaposition of stripes, florals, plaids, and geometrics makes your head spin and rebellion rushes through your good girl, business woman or wifey veins.
“I shall be me,” you exclaim rattled by your rules crushing epiphany, while layering the pile of chaos into a once-forbidden, vibrant art that reflects your mood of the day and turns into your message. "I dress my soul." You just became part of the outcry for equal rights of edgy and elegant, frilly and Zen, thrifty and classy. In the bigger picture you’re asking for acceptance, diversity and inclusion.
A creative chaos of pattern and colors is symbolic for our not harmonious, not matching society. Other than society the contrasting pieces you are wearing work enormously well together in its rule breaking unity of no-go goes.
It is style from the people for the people not dictated or suggested from above. You smile at the mismatched soul sister in the cafe. You comment with hearts and kisses on posts of like minded women on your social media feeds. Most of us have messy feelings and are broken on some level; when we Kintsugi our outfits we turn what is shattered into a new, never seen before beauty.
Mixing patterns says life is unpredictable and that’s okay. We are open to surprises which is a power in itself.
Imagine my sarcastic smirk watching style hawks jump into the dangerously uncontrolled trend, eagerly creating “how to” blogs and posts, wrapping the unruly into rules. Again? Yes, you can mismatch but only if…..
Fashion psychology says, when we get stuck in a rut we have to let go of the old ways to remove our obstacles and see new possibilities. Break what confines you and celebrate authenticity.
So. The next time you're bored with your wardrobe, “sit in it”, not the wardrobe (maybe that too) but your feelings and explore what you really want; a sartorial statement of who you would like to be and present to the world.
The fashion rebellion of mixing patterns is a reminder that our choices extend beyond the clothes we wear – they are a reflection of our desire for freedom, our refusal to be confined, and our commitment to embracing the beautiful messiness of individuality.
Go ahead, mix those patterns with pride and a giggle. Let your conscious fashion rebellion be your protective cape in a world that might not be ready for an artfully random you. Likeminded people will celebrate your choices. Timid people will be inspired. Your organized chaos of breaking the sartorial rules is your win win.