Personal News
I've had a lot of anxiety writing this blog posting,?however, in talking with an artist friend. It may be important to share with you my collectors and followers on social media. Many of you have probably noticed that my creative productivity has slackened off over the past 2 or 3 months, and I have declined commission work, and have not solicited any new work.?
I have been struggling with vision difficulty. I have gone blind in my right eye! I can still see light, but it is very blurry and I am unable to distinguish what I'm looking at. This has created an immense struggle in the creation of Art. I've tried different methods, using magnifying reading glasses and it helps. But it's still just a complete frustration.?I am not sure of my brush Strokes and my marks.
January I have confirmed appointments with the medical professionals and will investigate if this condition is permanent. Therefore the sharing of this notice it's not asking for sympathy.
I am asking for your prayers that this condition is not permanent and also as part of my art Journey in sharing with you. I think that you must understand I have always considered my talent to be a gift from God and the more I think about it. This condition is a secondary gift.
I will always create art regardless if I go completely blind I'll figure out some kind of a way to create art. With modern technology, I'll be able to overcome this condition. This blog posting has been created using voice-to-text software.
Talking about vulnerability wow it's done! I don't know how many times I wrote and rewrote this blog posting. I trust with your prayers and your support I will win over this. Maybe it will be an inspiration to some of you who are having difficulties in your own life. Everything will work out with trust in the Lord.
"If I can put a smile on the face and a twinkle in the eye of the viewer. I am a working professional artist. To lift the spirits and help someone forget about their troubles, and glorify God. An awesome humbling achievement indeed!"