A personal Message from Emanuel Prinz

A personal Message from Emanuel Prinz

Normally you would receive my latest blog post today in this newsletter. You have opened it and this suggests that you have benefited from my blog and podcast in the past. This makes me immensely grateful! To add value to people like you is why I love creating it. Now more than now 1500 recipients – and numbers continuing to grow! – and many personal messages confirm to me that movement practitioners benefit from the insights the blog and podcast bring.

Today I would like to share a personal message with you.? I want to share with you what happens behind the scenes, so you can receive yet another valuable high-quality blog and podcast. And I am asking you to consider making a contribution that will enable the blog and podcast to continue.

My aspiration is that all my materials are top quality. They are thoroughly researched and go through an extensive writing process, as I want to maximize the benefit to the growing number of readers and listeners.?

I personally invest between 6 and 12 hours of my time in producing one blog and podcast. For every article I carry out in-depth research. I study what my own previous research projects have found on the subject. And I research what other movement leaders and authors have written on the topic. After gathering all relevant material, I consider what of the material will be most useful to you.

Then I write an initial draft. That draft I hand to my editor Dave Coles. Together we go through an extensive editing process. We ping-pong the article back and forth several times, making edits and further comments.

Once Dave and I completed that process, sometimes I run our draft by a few other movement thought leaders and invite their input.

Once we believe that the article will meet the needs of practitioners and thought leaders like you, I record the audio version as a podcast.

The final written article I hand to my media team. They do the graphic design, place it on the website, create the newsletter, post on LinkedIn and Facebook. I pay them for their great work. I also pay fees for website hosting, podcast hosting, and to Mailchimp for the newsletter.

To create one valuable high-quality blog and podcast requires a total of:

  • 9-15 hours of work
  • Considering the work hours, 600 to 1000 US Dollars in expenses

If you have benefited from it, would you consider making a contribution?

You can make your contribution to The Movement Catalysts Blog via my mission organization GLOBE.

  • If you want to donate in US Dollars – click here – then select or type the amount you want to donate, under “This gift is for” type: Emanuel Prinz
  • If you want to donate in Euros – click here – then you can choose between bank transfer or Paypal – in the box “Add a note to your donation” type: project number 142 and Emanuel Prinz
  • If you want to donate in British Pounds – click here – click the button “DONATE - Other Missionaries or Projects” – enter the amount you want to donate – in the box “Add a note to your donation” type: Emanuel Prinz project 142

Thank you for taking a moment to ask Jesus if He wants you to contribute something. Thank you, so much!

PS: Stay tuned for the next post – Is your gospel irrelevant or truly GOOD news?


Emanuel Prinz

Father’s Beloved and Movement Activist


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