Personal Injury Protection: What You Need to Know
Tammy Brown
Passionate Insurance Advisor invested in protecting your family and business from the risks of everyday life.
I want to talk to you about the differences of primary and excess coverage for your personal injury protection.? This is an important topic, especially to all those drivers that are wondering what if I get injured? How am I going to be covered??
There are two different options on who pays first. When you choose PIP coverage on an auto policy, you can have the insurance company be primary and you pick a deductible. Once that deductible is met, we, the insurance company, cover everything else for a lifetime of that injury.? One deductible = lifetime.
Then you have excess, which means that the auto insurance pays second and your health insurance pays first.? But do you have a PPO? Do you have an HMO? If you choose us (the auto insurance) to be excess, we're only going to pay what is not paid by your current health insurance plan, as long as you followed all the rules of that health insurance plan.?
If you are supposed to get a referral to go see a chiropractor and you don't get that referral, but you go see the chiropractor (because of the auto accident), we won't cover it, because you didn't follow the rules of your health plan.?
If you are wondering if you are covered correctly, give me a call. That's my job to help educate you and help you to make the right choice.