Pankaj Jain
IT ACTIVIST, CEO - Panzer IT, BlueFive; Cyber Security, IT Distribution & Services: DLP, Backup, Malware, VAPT, Employee Monitoring, Compliance
BE IT ENACTED by Parliament of the Republic of India in 2018:
- WHEREAS the right to privacy is a fundamental right and it is necessary to protect personal data as an essential facet of informational privacy;
- WHEREAS the growth of the digital economy has meant the use of data as a critical means of communication between persons;
- WHEREAS it is necessary to create a collective culture that fosters a free and fair digital economy, respecting the informational privacy of individuals, and ensuring empowerment, progress and innovation;
- AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision:
- to protect the autonomy of individuals in relation with their personal data,
- to specify where the flow and usage of personal data is appropriate,
- to create a relationship of trust between persons and entities processing their personal data,
- to specify the rights of individuals whose personal data are processed,
- to create a framework for implementing organisational and technical measures in processing personal data,
- to lay down norms for cross-border transfer of personal data,
- to ensure the accountability of entities processing personal data,
- to provide remedies for unauthorised and harmful processing, and
- to establish a Data Protection Authority for overseeing processing activities;
- This Act may be called the Personal Data Protection Act, 2018.
To achieve Indian data protection law, every company under the law need to implement Data Leak Prevention, Data Discovery and Data Classification solutions.
Somansa and Varonis are readymade solution to achieve Indian PDPA.
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