Personal Cyber Bodyguard service
Brian Patrick Luining
CEO Valkiv | Co-founder Dairyking Technologies | DSS -ID
Daniel (co-founder/CTO) and I started developing software and professional services for today's MorlandBlack Personal Cyber Bodyguard service, after receiving requests from the High Net Worth Individual arena (HNWI) for digital protection against targeted attacks.
Case 1: A legal representative of an accomplished international entrepreneur approached us after an event we attended. "His employer had been 'hacked' while being on his yacht in the Mediterranean. Criminals had managed to steal his personally identifiable information and passcodes. Most likely they had tapped confidential telephone conversations. His employer even suspected that the assailants had used deep fake tactics, as a larger sum was looted." The question to us was, if we had any capabilities for hunting after the money and the hackers and if we were able to prevent something similar from happening again?
Criminals managed to steal personally identifiable information (PII) and passcodes, while feeling safe on the yacht.
Case 2: The CEO of a publicly listed company was digitally held ransom. Her security officer had the assignment to find a solution to the problem. She had been targeted within her private environment and the company's enterprise cybersecurity protection had not been able to stop the attack from happening. Not only did she fear for her own reputation as a female CEO, but also the possible impact on the company's market value would the information be publically exposed. The question to us was again about remediation and future prevention.
CEO public company targeted in private environment. Personal cyber protection needed for boardmembers.
Case 3: The reputation and business of a top pro-athlete celebrity and social media influencer couple had been attacked. He and his wife talked to me a few months after the facts. Malevolent unknown individuals had extorted them for a substantial amount of money; which they eventually paid. The scheme of those criminals had been to corrupt their webshops and social media profiles, with fake offerings and fake news. They had been unable to stop it from happening, causing them to take their business offline for several weeks. Not only had the couple paid up to the criminals, but they also had suffered a noticeable multi-million dollar negative business impact from the shutdown. The question to me was, is there any way to digitally protect them?
Reputation is everything, which is an easy attack ground for cyber criminals.
A few more cases were presented to us, all with the request for remediation and prevention. Most victims recuperate over time from their financial loss. In most cases, criminals are out for the money and not for some strategic advantage. But the emotional impact and the lasting fear of something happening again is hard to deal with.
Digitally securing an HNWI, board member, celebrity, or pro-athlete (or all combined into one) demands 'needle in the haystack' protection. It cannot be done with generic enterprise solutions, no matter how solid and well-performing they are in their respective rightful domain. One might try to stack several of those together, but it won't deliver what is required to protect an individual. In fact, the whole enterprise cybersecurity software business model is not designed for it. Furthermore, digitally protecting an individual is more than keeping an eye on him or her, it is just as much preventing their children and other family members, and friends from exposing anything online (Example: Kids posting traveling private jets and partying at the family's beach mansion, while parents do not even have one social media account and avoid to attract any attention).
Needle in the haystack security approach required. Enterprise solutions are not designed for personal protection.
MorlandBlack has only one purpose: Keeping you and your family safe in this digital world, anywhere & anytime. Our Personal Cyber Bodyguard service offering is extensive and globally available. Guarding your reputation and digital footprint (Essential), Securing as well your communications and devices (Comfort), Protection with certified Military Grade capabilities (Resolute).
We gladly talk to you in person or with your security officer and discuss in detail your every digital security need.