Personal & Corporate Profiles
Paul French
Professional Yachting & Garden Photography, Event, Portrait & Lifestyle Photography
Social media and websites whether for Corporate or Personal use, constantly demand regular tweaking and updating
A pint of milk in the fridge may always look good but when, after a few weeks of being on the shelf, you open it the impact will not be quite the same as when you bought it! (Trust me …… don’t try it!)
If you look at your profile photograph on your social media page or website, does it reflect who you are now or is it how you looked at your graduation? When you then meet in person is that potential client going to recognise you as you are now, or will there be a faint resemblance as the hair is different and you are wearing glasses now?
Does that Corporate Video on your website landing page represent your products or services as they are today or as they were when the video was created? Are the locations, staff or products the same, does the branding match todays.
Back in the day when sales contact was mainly personal or printed, with technology creeping in when telephones gained popularity, the psychology of sales and marketing was much less complicated. However, there is a long-established saying that has the same meaning today as when it was first uttered – First impressions count
At the initial point of contact, be it online or in person, first impressions are influenced by many factors and people tend to get attached to those initial impressions. Every image, digital or analogue, representing you, your business or your product must reflect honesty, trust and accuracy
When considering these points, especially in today’s economic climate, your investment must be tightly managed and controlled to ensure an affordable and sustainable future. With over 20 years’ experience of producing photographs and corporate video I am very aware of their value but also their high potential cost. The quality and availability of Digital Photography has progressed exponentially making it very affordable, as using the Mobile Phone in your pocket for photography and video shows.
Effective use of digital photography
?Talk to me about how high-quality professional photography