Personal Comments on the Virus: How to Live On This Planet.

I have no way of proving the below remarks which are rooted on known Principles, but give them simply for your consideration. According to the Law of Birth, Death and Rebirth, or the Law of Cause/Effect called Karma, nothing comes to anyone unless it is deserved and is the consequences of one’s previous actions. Accidents, and death by war do not fall under this statement. Karma is automatic, immutable and totally impersonal.  By extension, there is racial karma; that is, consequences due for the created Effects of past actions by the race of humanity as a whole. Karma simply tells us: do this and that will happen automatically. For hundreds of thousands of years, or ever since the last Atlantean Root race, humanity has created and then perpetually reinforced a Materialistic rooted giant THOUGHTFORM. Created by its human wide interpretation of what human life is supposed to be on this planet. In truth, human life on this planet is a “school for souls.” We learn by constant experiences, experiment and expression. This virus can teach us how “NOT TO LIVE ON THIS PLANET.” Cosmic truths tell us we each inherent a soul with our first human incarnation that remains with us as we undergo reincarnation upon reincarnation. This is our Higher Self, or our Monad that expresses itself at every level and sub-level of our solar system. (SS). This is our Immortal Being. Humanity itself as it descends deeper into gross Materialism created the three Lower selves, or our Personalities, consisting of a physical body, an emotional body and a concrete mental body. These false bodies are but required instruments for living in a Materialistic world. Our Abstract mental body is a portion of soul consciousness; that portion of LIFE/SPIRIT as it penetrates every manifested form. Each of these bodies has its own requirements  for earth living. Each ascending Root race developed these various bodies one after the other needed for materialistic existence. Currently, humanity is mostly fixed in its consciousness at the emotional body, with the mental body gaining rapidly in control of the two lower bodies. The emotional body is the plane of all human desires, ambitions, material thoughtforms and drives the human race in its daily activities. As we gain in Mentality, we learn we can create things through thought forms, and this becomes an endless pursuit and for most, becomes our total preoccupation. This distracts us from our true purpose for existence. We become more and more attached to and blinded by all things Material.

What then, is our true PURPOSE FOR HUMAN EXISTENCE ON THIS PLANET? It is by a gradual expansion of consciousness the discovery of the unique knowledge and wisdom contained in each of the 49 sub-planes of our SS. We, individually or in mass gradually ascend out of Material Matter world and as we rise up the sub-planes of our SS, and up the Evolutionary arc, we begin sluffing off a Material way of existence; we begin detaching from all those things, physically, emotionally and concrete mental which we have imposed upon ourselves for these past hundreds of thousands of years; gradually escaping from that giant Materialistic Thought form we’ve labored under and been imprisoned by for so long. We begin regaining the dormant awareness of our Higher Self, our Monadic nature. Our souls awaken and fuse with our personalities. We become Soul oriented and this becomes our true Integrating Principle and guide for our lifestyles. Our individual souls are fragments of the eternal, universal Spirit; the immortal portion of our human existence; the Oversoul, or the Anima Mundi, which now becomes our major way of Identifying  of our true Being. We emerge from a status of Becoming to one of Being our true Selves and act think and feel accordingly.  We no longer see ourselves as our lower selves, our personalities, wracked by endless personal desires and ambitions, but as members of a larger group, the whole human race as ONE, with ONE goal in our awareness: to “Return to the House of our Father,” as expressed in our Bible. We now see each other as souls in various states of transition up the higher planes of our SS. The overall Effect of evolution as it reveals more and more revelations of cosmic truths widens and expands our way of living on this planet and all of the above unfolds these cosmic truths and we develop on earth a Golden Age, free of hate, endless desires and ambitions and each lives a lifestyle solely for the benefit and welfare of the whole human race. We forgo an Me for a WE. The final realization comes in a flash; that our entire lives as we have lived them and continually reinforced them these past hundreds of thousands of years have simply been illusions, blinded by glamour and maya, and have been simply a replication and reinforcement of an false way of existence on this planet. Having gained this cosmic wisdom, we can now live out the remainder of our earth years in fulfilling the Will of God, or the Cosmic Plan, as herein explained, designed for us by the solar Logos; the creator of our solar system and all that it contains including our SELVES in all our dimensions. I would ask you to consider the influences of these comments on the following questions:

Why, according to the Ancient Wisdom, does it take the average human entity 775 reincarnations to achieve this level of awareness, if one ever does? How would adherence to these issues affect our attitudes and understanding of self and others? How could they be used to modify our current limited and redundant educational system? How would personal and social success by modified? How would it change our currently applied values? Or our interpretation of God or our definition of LOVE? Or, our understanding of our true purpose for existence on this planet? And finally, could they applied to redirect or modify our current lifestyles in major and more meaningful ways? Love and Peace to all Beings. DC. 


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