The Personal Choices of Turnaround Emissaries that have Determined History
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
A few days ago I was travelling back from a Business meeting several hours drive away from my home and Father started to share with me about the personal choices that major Turnaround Emissaries (Sent Ones, Spokesmen, Prophets) had made that had greatly impacted History. He shared this with me in terms of my own impact on the World as well as in the context of the way in which the prayers and choices of any believer impact Him. Following is what Father shared with me:
1. Noah
Noah was grieved by the wickedness of the World at that time and he asked Father what could be done. Father advised Noah that he could pray for the wicked ones to be wiped out and so Noah did that. On the basis of Noah’s once off prayer, Father brought an Ice Comet from the Kuiper Belt at the edge of the Solar System to collide with Earth and cause massive flooding and Tectonic upheaval (Earth Surface upheaval).
In preparation for this event Father worked with Noah to design and build a huge wooden ship that would be able to survive the coming flood. For more information on the Flood – evidence proving it DID happen and discussion of HOW it happened please see
As the time came close for the Comet to strike, as Noah was preparing the animals to go in the ship the subject of his sons came up. Shem was a Believer and was actively working with his father to build the ship and collect the animals. Japheth was an idolater and unbeliever and mocked his father and Shem with regard to their preparations. Ham was an Ancestor, that is Demon, Worshipper and he, too, mocked Noah and Shem.
Yah wanted to leave Japheth and Ham behind to be destroyed with all the rest of the unbelievers but Noah begged for them to be saved because he was convinced that once they experienced the Flood they would come to belief. Yah reluctantly agreed to spare them and so they were ushered into the ship together with Noah and his wife and Shem and his wife and all the animals.
The way things turned out Japheth and Ham were NOT converted. After the Flood had dissipated Japheth continued to worship Idols and Ham continued to worship Demons. The descendants of these two men, right down to the present age, largely continue to worship Idols and Demons respectively although the Blood Lines HAVE been impregnated by seed of Shem so that the split is not that clear any longer.
Father said to me that the World would be very different today if Japheth and Ham HAD died in the Flood, and that He regrets listening to Noah.
Father’s key point in sharing this with me was to illustrate the extent to which He listens to His Friends, even when He does not agree with them and, by extension, the level of damage to His interests that can result from a Friend making an unwise choice and putting their feelings and emotions and family, etc BEFORE obedience to Yah.
2. Abraham, Hagar and Ishmael
Father then spoke to me about Abraham taking Hagar as his Concubine and fathering Ishmael and then blessing Ishmael extravagantly. The end result was that Sarai chased Hagar and Ismael away and they had to survive in the wilderness with the result that Ishmael became very angry and bitter towards Abraham and Isaac. This strife between the sons of Isaac and the sons of Ismael (the Arabs, etc) continues to this day in the strife between Islam and Christianity and Judaism.
Again, a situation where the Friend of Yah took a decision counter to Yah’s will and Yah complied with major downside ramifications that endure to the present day.
3. Moshe {Moses} and his Cushite (Ethiopian) Wife
In addition to Zipporah Moshe {Moses} took a second woman, an Ethiopian, Yah has said that he was NOT in favour of this but Moshe insisted. So much so that Miriam and Aaron (Moshe’s sister and brother) argued with him about this. Eventually this woman fell away and left Moshe and returned to Ethiopia resulting in a sect in that part of the world.
Yah was not pleased with this.
4. A Descendant of Moshe to Send Satan to the Pit
Moshe also prevailed on Yah to commit that a son of Moshe through his son Gershom would be given the honour of convening the Court of Heaven to obtain the sentence sending Satan to the Pit for 1,000 years. Yah reluctantly agreed and, as things turned out, nearly all the eligible descendants failed to accept the challenge such that by the time Yah called me there were virtually NO descendants of Moshe through Gershom alive on Earth at the time.
Another case where a Friend of Yah asked for something that worked against Yah in the end.
5. David and Bathsheba
David committed adultery with Bathsheba, subsequently had her husband killed and then took her as his wife. As a judgment one of David’s son’s rebelled and a debilitating Civil War ensued although David was eventually reinstated as king. Bathsheba bore Solomon whom David made king instead of his eldest son and this caused all sorts of problems with Solomon eventually falling away totally.
Another case of a Friend doing something that was NOT according to Father’s will.
6. Muhammed and Harsh Judgments
Yahooshua brought a message of gentleness and not judging if one was not free of sin. Mohammed countered with a message of harsh judgments which give rise to tensions between Islam and Christianity today including suicide bombers, etc.
Yah says He was NOT in favour of those violent messages but Muhammed was adamant they were required. Today they turn many against belief in the Almighty.
There are many other instances in historical accounts in the Bible and other books where people have gone against Yah’s will however, the point of this article is to evidence how even those who are really close to Father can miss it and how Father will accommodate them because of their special relationship with Him.
The bottom line?
Please, whatever you do, do NOT go off on your own path and ignore Father, seek HIS guidance and comply with HIS desires!
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, Desires for YOU to Become His Friend
Published 11 May 2019
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