Mark Anthony Baker
The UK’s top Motivational Speaker and Business Storytelling Expert helping clients unlock potential and become Super Communicators
Mark Anthony. The ultimate coach
Most coaches are mass-produced in weekend boot camps or by attending courses where they are taught to work from a set script with little if any deviation from what was prescribed for them to pass onto you.
There’s only one problem with that… You aren’t a one size fits all person and a one size fits all solution will not work for you because you are an individual and that’s why Mark Anthony is the right coach for you. This is why he is regarded as the ultimate coach by those that choose to work with him.
Do you …. procrastinate? Struggle with your work-life balance? Know you are more capable than your results indicate! Struggle with maintaining focus? Need guidance on how to overcome obstacles/challenges? Struggle with self-motivation? Struggle to find your purpose? Need to sell more? Want to focus your business? Need to shatter the glass ceiling of YOUR perceived capabilities? Need to maximise performance in yourself and others? Want to learn how to become a powerful communicator? Wish to identify and destroy your limiting beliefs! Become someone that people listen to? Want to gain clarity in life and business? Want to have high levels of confidence and self-esteem? Develop massive resilience? Want to learn the secrets of successful goal setting?
“Why would you want to secure the services of MARK ANTHONY as your coach?”
That’s a great question and one that demands an answer, especially as coaching has become a popular choice of career for so many people these days. Making finding the right coach is about as easy as finding a needle in a haystack!
Mark Anthony knows what it takes to overcome obstacles and develop resilience as this was something that he had to have in abundance to overcome nearly two decades of physical and mental abuse.?
Even using what he had learned to defeat cancer despite being misdiagnosed twice in fourteen months leaving him with less than a 20% chance of survival and a 90% chance of a brain tumour within 12 months…. If he lived that long! But out of adversity comes opportunity and Mark was able to comprehend and utilise the psychological tools and processes he utilised during his childhood and illness to develop resilience and strategies that he would later use to become one of the world’s top salespeople and business coaches.?
Officially ranking among the top one per cent of salespeople in the world (Source?MDRT.ORG)
He developed a unique and insightful understanding of how the mind works and how to utilise it successfully. Not only that but he stumbled on aspects and functions of the mind that weren’t even talked about or discussed in the early seventies when he was barely a teenager.
He even discovered the secret to ending procrastination at just twelve years old as he sat on his motorcycle at the starting line of a dirt bike race. A life-changing technique that he called “The 5-second secret”
After achieving the rank as one of the top 1% of salespeople in the world he was invited to share his secrets to sales success as well as his life-changing insights by companies all around the world. This led to Mark becoming a sought-after speaker and coach known for his unique understanding of people and what it takes to live life on your terms with a reputation for knowing exactly the right advice to give.
In short. Mark is one of those unique and rare individuals that walks his talk. Something that is beyond rare in these times. This can be evidenced in his highly-rated book “An unbreakable spirit”
What type of people do I work with?
I work with people from all walks of life from salespeople to business leaders. From celebrities to politicians. The truth is that regardless of who you are and what you do we all experience similar challenges in life and business they just differ by degree and severity. But we all have them, and I can help.
My main criteria isn't your background it’s your desire to excel and reach your potential and to leave you with a new pair of glasses that not only allow you to see more clearly but with tools, techniques and insights that will allow you to make massive changes in your life and keep the change.
How do I begin?
I only work with people who are both committed and accountable. To find out if we can work together, I offer potential clients a free thirty-minute consultation without obligation on either side. If we mutually decide that we are a good fit. We can embark on your program at the next available opportunity.
I do not work from a script, nor do I offer one size fits all coaching. No two people are the same. No two challenges are the same and no two people deal with or see situations from the same perspective. Therefore, I am different, and you simply will not find another coaching relationship like the one I offer my clients. I work intuitively making our time together unique, exciting and potentially life-changing.
If you want someone to make you feel warm and fuzzy, I’m not for you. However, if you want someone who can offer you a unique perspective and who has achieved business success as well as overcoming massive challenges. Someone who will push you and do everything in their power to help you move rapidly in the direction you seek then I am most definitely the best coach for you.
Platinum coaching program
12 months coaching program consisting of 12 one-hour sessions in person in Jersey Channel Islands or via Skype/Zoom or telephone. Unlimited email access. Investment?
Gold Coaching Program
6 months coaching program consisting of 6 one-hour sessions in person in Jersey Channel Islands or via Skype/Zoom or telephone. Unlimited email access.?
Platinum meeting one-off (Half day)?
If you want to get where you say you want to go, and you are ready to take action. Contact me now. Change can happen rapidly, but sadly most people never act and are doomed to remain in the same place because of it. Don’t let it be you.
“Marks coaching is like nothing I have ever experienced. He opened my eyes to new possibilities by inviting me to change the way I viewed the world and by providing me with the tools to change. The 5-second secret changed my life the moment I began to use it, I can’t believe that something so simple could and would have such a profound effect on my life, I simply cannot recommend Mark more highly to you”. Sarah Bartholomew.
I can’t even begin to tell you the powerful influence that you have been in my life. Thank you.
Emma Sharples??
Thank you Mark you have truly inspired me in ways I would never have imagined.
Maureen McCabe