Personal Branding - Roll For Initiative Noob
"Roll of initiative" - one the best phrases used in any board game ever to start a combat encounter. Its origin (of course) is Dungeons & Dragons. D&D is probably the most popular and widely recognised it's ever been with professional streams like Critical Roll and the hugely successful game Baldurs Gate 3. You're probably wondering what on earth D&D has to do with personal branding and vice versa.
Geek culture itself has gone through a process of rebranding where uncool things are now cool - you even have artists like AJ Tracey, Dave & Megan Thee Stallion imitating and referencing anime in their lyrics and videos - that's an article for another time.
More specifically I'll talk about character creation, how it can be applied to personal branding and conveniently miss out on the satanic panic that D&D caused in the 80s.
In a nutshell, personal branding is the practice of marketing yourself and what you're about. Much like creating a D&D character, you begin by figuring out what makes you 'you'. In D&D, you choose character traits—race, class, alignment, backstory, and special abilities—that define how your character interacts with the world. Personal branding follows a similar process.
Personal branding is an adventure, much like a D&D campaign. It requires thought, strategy, and authenticity. Most D&D campaigns start in a tavern or pub - a group of strangers who team up for a common cause. My final point on personal brand is to just start, don't think about it too much - if you need help you'll find it in abundance on LinkedIn.
N.B. Avoid or kill trolls on LinkedIn in the same way as D&D - also anyone promising to boost your reputation for gold is generally some sort of hag both in D&D and real life.