Personal Brand Isn't (Only) About Tips and Tricks, It's About Hard Work!
Max Zaharenkov
Digital Communications | Social Media | Content Production | Storyteller | Keynote Speaker
"How to be a YouTube personality?" "How to become a good TikToker?" "What should my personal brand be?" People come to professionals with these questions, expecting to have a full-blown blow-up! However, no one seems to know answers to any of the questions that come way before that, like can I be considered an expert? What is an expert? What field am I interested in? What can I help others with? What valuable information can I bring to the table? What am I great at? What do I have to share? These things matter way more than any amount of money you can potentially make. And yet, a lot of people tend to ignore these things or argue: how about football coaches?
The argument here is that mainly one doesn't have to be a good football player to be a good football coach. But, first of all, that requires a completely different set of skills and experience, and second of all, not even once in the history of humankind there was a case when an unknown twenty-something coach came out of nowhere and won the Superbowl on the first try. It doesn't work like that!
There's no way quick social media hacks and modern technologies will make you famous overnight. All of this doesn't exclude hard work and consistency. You have to act! How? Well, for starters find out the answers to all of those questions I asked at the beginning. But afterward, you'd benefit from:
This is not easy. But you'll get used to it over time. Just have to remember, that once your brand blows up - it's not gonna stop ever. That's why it's so important to determine your personal voice before you determine your personal brand.