Personal Brand: The Importance Of Your Professional Image On Social Media
Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network
A global community for today's purpose-driven woman.
Today, I met a colleague who wanted to form alliances with my business. As we talked, he told me that there were many people who offered the same services but did not look prepared or did not have a professional appearance. The reason he decided to contact me was because after accessing my social platforms, "everything looked professional".
When we go to a job interview, a social event or an appointment, we take the time to prepare ourselves. We try to cover all the bases, from personal hygiene to the outfit combinations. Your personal brand or the image you project on your digital platforms should not be less important. The first impression certainly is the most important. We cannot offer a service to our potential customers if we are not professionally prepared.
Your preparation adds value to your proposal
There are many people who claim to be experts in certain industries, but they lack professionalism. The preparation needed to offer any kind of service must be combined. This includes academic studies as well as personal and professional experience. These factors known as competencies, will add value to your proposal of services.
Being prepared is crucial to distinguish yourself from the competition. It is important to keep a professional image in all your pages. You have to be careful with the way you write and compose your posts, the way you create content, the quality of the images you use or the design of your web page. Failing to do this, gives a bad impression of neglect and carelessness.
Invest in yourself
If you want your customers to choose you among your competition, you must first invest on yourself. According to Marco Samaniego, a professional photographer, the psychological perception that our social profiles gives, is determinant for the professional reputation of any person, especially those who work daily with the Internet as their main communication tool. Your personal brand it’s your best marketing tool or it can be your worst enemy.
You could be losing business opportunities by not giving importance to the small details.
“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight” Proverbs 4:7