A Personal Appeal for a Beautiful Village
In the picturesque rural village of Margaretsville, Nova Scotia there is a problem. Recently winter storms smashed the coastline, leaving Margaretsville with a badly damaged wharf. The estimated bill for repairs is $190,000 (about $153,000 US Dollars). There are only about 200 residents in the village. The local community is pitching in to help, but I’m appealing to friends near and far to help us expedite the much needed repairs.
Although it is no longer the bustling Bay of Fundy port it was in the early 1900s, the wharf is still an important landmark in this community. The other assets of the village are nearby, with the charming Art Shack just a few paces away. The wharf is visible from the local Shore Park, the cafe, and the iconic lighthouse. For now you won’t find people fishing from the end of the pier – instead you’ll find signs warning of the dangers caused by the damage.
So why is a Texan who lives 2,200 miles away trying to raise money for a wharf in Nova Scotia? My family fell in love with Nova Scotia and its people many years ago and we return as often as we can. Visit the province just once and you’ll understand why. We own a small place outside of the village of Margaretsville and want to be good neighbors. Unfortunately we can’t that good of a neighbor – there is no way we can fund the entire repair project ourselves. This is why I am reaching out for help.
Losing an important asset can have a big impact on a small village. We’ve set up a fundraising site to help tackle the problem. Every penny raised will go directly to the Margaretsville Shore Society for repair work. Every dollar gets us another beam closer to the restoration of this important part of the community. If you have never visited Margaretsville I hope your journeys will take you there someday soon. When you arrive, I hope you can enjoy the sea air and the beautiful sunset from the fully functional wharf.
We hope you will help us restore the wharf and bring back the happier days where kids scamper across the rocks, drop a line into the water, and enjoy the serenity of this beautiful place. No donation is too small. Please donate HERE and help us spread the word through social media. Follow the success of the ood people of the Margaretsville Shore Society here. Thank you.