Today was my first day at my new job. I decided to take an Ola cab to office. The cab showed up promptly, though the driver was having troubles to figure out how to use Ola app to start the trip and navigation.
I asked him what is the issue, 'he told me this is his first day at driving a cab'.
"What a coincidence"
I helped him out with starting the trip and setting up the navigation and we started. While moving, I told him this is my first day at my new job too. We congratulated each other.
Here, he began to tell me that he did not drive Ola before, though he drove for a businessman for ten years. Work was not much, only one-two hours of driving a day, but he had to wait for whole day.
He told me he was getting way much salary for a driver there for next to nothing work; though he aspired to be a musician and told me how he as a kid learnt 'Tabla' from his Grandpa who had masters in Music.
And he had passion for music.
He said he pondered for an year, and realised he is neither becoming a musician, nor he wanted to be in this job forever. So one fine day, he decided he will quit and start his journey in Music.
He hedged his bet though, he bought a car an year ago so that he can pay off EMIs while his brother can drive it as Ola to help with more money. And he will drive the car while learning music so that he can have time he wanted.
With this stellar planning, the day came and he left the job. He starting taking music classes. And, from today he started driving Ola.
I was mesmerized by his will to chase what he wanted from his life while planned practically to get there. There are people out there, much more talented. "The founder" movie said it right,
"Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent"
But this guy had it, if not talent, but persistence? Oh yes!
My destination arrived, right next to where he used to work, and where he bought this car, right there.
He looked at that shop, and his last work place. We looked at each other, and wished each other good luck with our endeavours.
I wondered what persistent people will do to this world.