Douglas Linman II
Military Combat Veteran, Inventing Scientist, Technology Speaker, and Renewable Energy business Founder.
It is said that “all good thoughts and discovery do not arrive from quiet whispers or obvious conclusion, but from a very loud demanding need!”
It took nearly 40 years (1959-1999) to arrive at a solid acceptance, discovery and use of something called NanoScience (the science and discovery part) and it’s application companion Nanotechnology (the applied use part) as THAT new loud and demanding way of solving the need!
To quickly understand the pervasive nature of Nano Science and Technology in dollars; from 2001 through 2018 there were 16 billion in total allocated by the US government to Nano science and Nano Technology around 70billion globally. Here in 2020, the USA including the 2017 budget request exceeds 20 billion dollars or a 170% growth. Worldwide has already reached nearly 120 billion with a few more completed projects, advances in new materials and applications, and a global workforce of several thousand who would all fit in one football field! The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) has predicted the numbers to double every year reaching +/- 6 trillion dollars with a 3 million person global work force by 2021! So following the money alone should let you know that something significant is happening and continues!
As the former stepchild in the study of Chemistry and Physics, Nanoscience has matured in significant contribution to now stand on its own with conferred Science degrees at the Bachelors, Masters and PhD level, just recently begun in 2012, or just a little over 8 years ago!
A short history for you: in 1959 physicist and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman first described a process in which scientists would be able to manipulate and control individual atoms and molecules, this is considered the first published expression behind nanoscience and nanotechnology. His PhD Thesis, There’s is plenty of room at the bottom was also observed by Alert Einstein during his thesis defense on General Relativity.
MQ had met Dr. Richard Smalley and also Dr. Edgar Mitchell around the same time in 2002-03 to discuss our intended use of nanoscience and its combination with electrochemistry as our chosen innovation pioneering path of a highly advanced method for harvesting radiant energy from the SUN across the entire light spectrum, including gamma, to arrive at a more efficient and useful "molecular structure", that would be deployed as a technical coating (not a chipset) and used fully scalable by others. MQ would, in this way, become the world's originating renewable radiant power supplier, in a liquid application, to all qualifying application developers and manufactures. Then because of our unique innovation, our "licensed" solar liquid power (SLP) would cross all industries and would be affordable and incorporable onto any substrate or infused in new original materials across all industries.
Arriving conclusive agreement on our pioneering effort approach and business model idea, we began an arduous and certainly demanding effort of assembling whatever funds we had, as the work quickly began in my garage and then by 2009 moved into a 2300 sq ft lab space with computer systems, chemistry, rudimentary equipment, and having collected a long list of government and agency support from our previous jobs, who held very very important and sophisticated equipment to our approaching final effort needs. Maniacally involved in such an inspirational time for all of us made the time and effort all the more deeply meaningful. We were creating and birthing the modernity of a never before achieved renewable radiant energy source, within a molecule... and assembled atoms!
Molecular science and electrochemistry is exactly what we have mastered to supply the world what it needs...endless natural renewable energy...
Wow, from our early advice, counsel and friendly pushing motivation, there it was, a new radiant energy source that many technology people sitting in corporations as CTO's, Chief Engineers and Scientists, who met us along the way, said was not possible. I once had a meeting with a very very large technical paint company who admitted they had wasted 50million dollars trying to discover a new use or new source of something innovative within their company to arrive commercially. They had the best chemists, so what went wrong?
What I have learned in my life is that true innovation arrives well formulated from various "observers", of varied backgrounds and abilities, working within a focused consensus driven methodology. I came from such worlds in my career and understood the "skunkworks" world of arriving such a diverse assembly of contributing talent. So the reason the big company failed, is that it failed to observe what direction they wanted to follow, what type of product would be a revolutionary contribution to their legacy, what talent they needed to have in the room, but more importantly how significant a product type and its entrance and adoption period would it need to hold, to address end users visually and excitedly arriving anew, from a technical coating company.
We knew we did not wish MQ to become an application company bogged down in servicing products, we wanted to be the originating source, like oil is to cars, and not the end product. We knew that innovating companies from within was not a simple task nor an obvious consideration that would arrive a significant product and economic change, but buying a license by standard industrial code (SIC) for an already prepared effort, or becoming a distribution plant incorporating our work into their final efforts would make far more economic sense and stockholders happy with the added bonus of knowing exactly what to do with such a ready for use, revolutionary new source of long term renewable energy power.
2011 brought massive testings and independent studies, IEC regulatory disciplined test, MDS manufacturers data sheets validation for experimental use on-board the International Space Station for a December 2015 launch with successful results for 90 days, then further independent tests after that through 2018. Along the way and 9405km away to Brazil from Arizona, I had met a very gifted scientist, Boris Petrovic and a related descendant of the actual historic Nikola Tesla. He was very involved in resonant energy and static discharge energy harvesting as I was focused on harvesting the full light spectrum from the SUN and gamma as well. So what would happen if we combined our efforts into one highly skilled raw renewable energy delivery company who licensed the totality of such energies converted electricity for use and incorporation by others, into their materials and their end user products while we continued to focus on our work and its expansion. The licenses would be long term (30-40 years) and would include all our upgrades, enhancements and advancements, which is certainly not easily achieved within any other company. So we joined forces in 2017 and created our first, of several related divisions in MQ, calling it MQTesla as dedicated to arriving safe wireless power antennas of differing abilities and uses. Boris is the CEO of that Division that will arrive incredible abilities in renewable energy as MQ's founding solar liquid power will as well, which as a single company truly allows us to deliver the modernity innovation provided by the SUN and the GROUND as truly revolutionary renewable energy sources.
The field antennas would handle long haul wireless power distribution, by line of sight (LOS) with redundancy pointing and auto-seeking to a secondary diverse address(es) for contiguous highly reliable service. The inside or roof top version would supply local safe wireless power distribution as the mobility antennas supply business or home wireless power further incorporated in electric vehicles or all forms of E-Transportation needs. Our manufacturing plant would build and test all our registered and copyrighted antennas and they would be delivered to the Licensees.
Then anyone would next consider the obvious. If we hold radiant energy and collect that in a solar liquid power renewable energy technical coating, sold by the barrel to licensees, is it possible to also "pre-coat/infuse SLP onto the MQTesla antennas material and have the world's first and only fully redundant standalone antennas? The answer is yes, using power controllers, we can collect, store and make available 17 hours of light absorbed converted energy to DC electricity, AND collect and convert resonant energy from the ground as well, producing an endless source of dual source renewable energy that can also be transmitted and distributed anywhere.
This is what we mean by arriving the innovation and modernity of renewable energy as your Quartermasters. Understanding our history arrives our reasoning and its focused connection to solve a very immediate and necessary need for our humanity on Earth and our interests in Space... the need for long term and contiguous renewable energy sources without negatively affecting our air, environment, or climate.
Contact us at to consider a license or become an investor in the revolutionary arrival of our support to all industries. We are not a competitor, we are an original long term renewable energy source for your work and products over these next 150 years.